The Key To Losing Weight And Keeping It Off

Do you want to lose weight? Of course you do, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this. Let me ask you another question. For how long do you want to lose weight?

Just for the summer to look good in bikini? Or before winter Holidays to make some room for the turkey and mashed potatoes?

If you want to do that go ahead and pick one of the fad diets. Starve yourself for a week or two and then, after a moment of glory is over and you have been admired in a new dress, go ahead and turn back into a pumpkin. Because that's exactly the shape your body will gradually take if you decide to make your life a series of multiple diets.

Now if your goal is to discover your true beauty hidden underneath those multiple layers of fat, to look good, and to feel great, you will have to make permanent changes in your life.

It sounds hard, but it's actually much easier than sitting on those horrible diets constantly fighting your urges and refusing yourself little sweets you like so much.

I know it, because I've been there myself. The worst thing was that I used to work part time as a cashier at the bakery. You couldn't imagine how miserable my life was at that moment. Every time I would decide to sit on another fad diet, bakers would "accidentally" put extra cherry filling into those cherry strudels. And no matter what time I would show up for my shift I would always have to witness them getting fresh baked cookies out of the oven.

Sometimes it seemed like everyone was doing it on purpose, just to brake me and destroy that little willpower I had left. Now I realize that it was my fault for wanting fast results, but not wanting to follow through.

The key to losing weight and keeping it off is the right lifestyle.

It is about finding the right balance between the food that is both delicious and full of vitamins, and exercise that's fun and energizing. Sounds good, doesn't it? And the best thing is that by making small changes on a daily basis, you'll not only look great, you will also make your tummy very happy and your family proud.

If you're serious about loosing weight you have to commit to the new healthy lifestyle.

No one week diets.
No "do-nothing-and-lose-30-pounds-in-a-week" pills.
No magic pants that mysteriously melt fat away.
No quick fix solutions.

The ONLY thing that works is lifestyle change. Not for another two weeks, but for the rest of your life! For as long as you want to stay slim and healthy.

When lifestyle is healthy then weight normalization becomes one of many positive effects that occur over time.

Changing your lifestyle doesn't have to be difficult. All you have to do is to follow 4 simple steps:

First step - to get motivated. (Yes, without motivation and burning desire you won't go further than one week of healthy lifestyle. So the first thing we need to do is to get fired up!)

Second step - change your diet. (No, you don't have to starve to death and count calories or carbs. Just follow basic principles of healthy eating.)

Third step - start exercising. (Don't get out of tune, exercising the right way is actually fun!)

Fourth step - stay on track. (The most difficult part of loosing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is to stay on track and don't quit.)

If you really want to get rid of all extra pounds here's a little task for you. Take a piece of paper and write down all the reasons why you want to lose weight. The more the better. Try to come up with at least 15 reasons why.

Don't put it off. Take the first step to your beautiful and healthy body!

Arina Nikitina is the author of free Weight Loss Guide that will show you step-by-step what you need to do to get rid of all these pounds. To learn the healthy way of weight loss visit: ml

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