How to save money on a website

  • Know what you want

    Make sure you know why you want a website and what you want your website to do for you. Write down some short term and long term goals. Establishing an Internet presence for your business is an important step ? make sure you do it right! You need to have a clear vision before you start.

  • Surf the internet

    Compile a list of websites that appeal to you in aspects of: colour scheme, content, layout and other related design properties. This will help your web designer factor in your personal tastes and preferences into the design process and produce a website you're proud of!

  • Plan the content of your website

    Draw a hierarchical tree menu structure (site map) so that you can see how everything will fit in and write down the names of your pages. You know your company better than your web designer! Write the content for your website ? even if it is just in bullet points, a skilled copywriter can always step in from there. Keep in mind you need to write for your website visitors. As always, content is king.

  • Take some pictures for your website

    Snapshots of staff, products, or your work environment improve the visual appeal of your website and familiarize your customers and potential customers with your business. You can save a lot of money by providing your website designer with photos you have taken yourself, rather then having them source relevant stock photography online.

  • Find a competent web designer

    Make sure you choose carefully. Find a web design company that you feel comfortable and confident with in terms of credibility, portfolio, price and overall professionalism.

Interested in obtaining another independent quote on your website project? Please contact our web design team with your requirements and we will get back to you within 48 hours. Our engagement model includes a comprehensive pre-project checklist & guide to help you further establish your website objectives.

Talita operates a family web development firm based in sunny Brisbane, Australia. She enjoys sharing her knowledge and expertise in web design, ecommerce, email marketing and search engine optimisation. Visit her business website, Kintek:

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