Quality of Your Text Layout and Design

Why is the quality of your text layout and design important on your web site? For the simple reason that people tends to stay longer on a web site that radiates quality and simplicity.


Because it gives you a more professional impression and the text is easy to read.

On the web today there are many web sites with a cluttered design. The amount of text that is gathered in one place is too big, therefore it's more difficult to read and focus on text phrases.

If you separate coherent text in boxes, then you hekp the reader to read more easily. Make space between text boxes. Always use a text font size that is not smaller than 10. Organize the text with headings. Make headings with a bigger font size than the body text and you may use a different font.

It's recommended that you use borders in black around the text.

It should be easy for the eye to focus from one group of text to another.

If you follow these guidelines, then you will be able to read faster and the eye will be less strained. You will be rewarded by spending more time on the text design and layout of your site.

Lars Nielsen is the creator of a web site with home businesses opportunities and valuable resources for Internet marketing. He has been involved with graphic design 12 years. He also has strong experience with web marketing.

URL: http://www.ultimate-mlm.com

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