Get Rich Doing What Others Dont

"The quickest way to wealth

That I've found to be true;

Is to stick out your chest

Give your best

And do what others don't like to do!" - Primm

It's been said the difference between the "haves" and the "have-nots" - can be traced back to the people who did ... and the people who did not!

When it comes to creating a moneymaking niche, consider using what I call the principle of yucky.

Using the principle of yucky is one of the quickest ways to make money you'll ever find. Period. No hype here.

Master this principle and I can guarantee you'll never be broke another day in your life.

In fact, if everyone would use this principle the unemployment numbers would melt like an ice cube in July. The Welfare rolls would shrink like a cheap suit, and poverty would drastically decrease.

So, what exactly is the principle of yucky? I'm glad you asked, it's simply doing what other people find disgusting, irritating, or in a word yucky.

A billionaire once said, "The quickest way to success is to do what others don't like to do." Don't laugh, most people are willing to gladly pay money to people who will do the things they find disgusting, irritating or stressful. Wouldn't you?

For example, if you had rats running through your restaurant at lunchtime would you pay someone to get rid of them? Of course, you would.

But rats aren't the only things people find disgusting or yucky. Thousands of yucky services exist that people will pay you to do. The key point here is the thing may be yucky to them, but not to you, especially if you can grow rich doing it. Believe me, money in your pocket will make it less yucky - whatever it is.

For example, take the man in Florida who has a business that makes over $100,000 a year picking up dog poop in parks. The single mother who started a business cleaning bathrooms earning over $5,000 a week. Or the husband and wife team clears $2,000 a week bathing dogs in the client's home.

Yes, the list is endless; it's only limited by your imagination. You'd be surprised what people will pay for you just to get out of doing it themselves. Use this attitude to make money.

You'll discover the most penny-pinching, tightwad, miser will gladly throw money at you. Why? To get out of doing something they find yucky, disgusting, irritating or stressful. Haven't you been paying attention?

That's what makes the principle of yucky so valuable, especially to the alert entrepreneurial-minded person. In fact, if you are an entrepreneurial minded person $ signs should be slowly swirling around your head as you read this article.

You now have the start of a small niche business that could make you big money, very quickly and with very little risk. From a business point of view what could be better than that?

Thousands of people in your local area will gladly pay you to help them do the yucky routine stuff in their life. They're just waiting for you to offer your services to them. An added benefit will be little or no competition!

If you have an established business, you can use the principle of yucky to get an edge on your competition. You simply do what your competitors don't, can't, or won't do. Believe me your customers will take notice. Wouldn't you?

About The Author

Roy J. Primm (The Niche Man) has written hundreds of articles on the power of a niche. To read more ideas on how to create, develop, and strengthen your niche go to

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