Free Traffic Course - Day 6

We will start with one Internet Marketing myth - the pop-ups do not work today. They give no effect to the web site, they do not bring any traffic, just distract the attention. This myth is partially true: old-fashioned pop-ups do not work. Modern pop-ups have advanced much further: today they give fresh look to the web site.

Who can say that pops-ups do not work if Corey Rudl - a very famous Internet marketing millionaire, let God take his soul to heavens - made huge money with his hovers (it is the way he called pop-ups)? So, when someone says about poor marketing effectivity for pop-ups, you have a reply, "Maybe you talk about old pop-ups. I know that a famous Internet marketer made $2,064,000 in 2004 with a new-styled pop-up window. Don't you think it is quite effective with such profits?"

Now let's try to figure out difference between old and new pop-ups and why modern pop-ups are so important for targeted traffic and sales on any web site.

The old pop-ups were a real natural disaster. They always popped out, bothering you from viewing and using web sites. When web sites even used multiple pop-ups: imagine you found a web site and then 5-10 pop-ups appear on your display. It is not marketing, it is torturing!

Old pop-ups looked very similar. Once pop-up window appeared, you already new it is not interesting to look what is written inside. Even perfect copywriting could not save old pop-ups from being closed by angry web surfers.

No wonder that the producers of web browsers decided to stop this "pop-up tragedy". They made special functions for their browsers to recognize the pop-ups and block them. It was a saving step for Internet users. But it was not the end of pop-ups.

When something has sound ideas (and pop-up idea is very interesting for marketing), it will not disappear. And pop-ups were reinvented soon. The changes were really favorable.

First of all, they started looking like a real picture which shows the professionalism of web site owner.

The pop-ups today can emphasize the idea of what the clients will after clicking on the link of this window or after subscribing to web form in it. For example, if pop-up window promotes subscription to free educational course, pop-up can look like a book with high quality design. If pop-up promotes a discount limited in time, the window will be looking like a countdown link, etc.

So, the pop-up changed its philosophy. Instead of distracting the attention of web site visitors, it focused their attention. That was a huge step for online marketing. Some pop-ups started looking like real masterpieces.


1. Pop-ups are highly customizable - you can set the parameters for pop-up window: height, width, left or right positioning on the web site page.

2. Pop-ups have different algorithms for moves - they can float from left, right side, from the above and from the bottom and also go away to the left and right side, to the bottom and to the top.

3. Pop-ups have a collection of ready-made templates: you can save time and choose the template to create pop-up, you can edit the template or create your own template.

4. You can easily edit the content inside the pop-up - if you need to change the text inside the pop-up, you are free to submit any text you wish.

5. You can preview pop-up window with a special test option - so you do not jeopardize yourself with making a bad looking pop-up. Test it and make changes until it will look perfectly.

6. And this pop-up cannot be blocked by any web browsers. Your pop-up window enjoys absolute freedom for its display. And you do not lose potential clients.


Pop-up window with an autoresponder will never let your potential customers to run away.

With pop-up window your clients stay in close touch with you. You continue motivating them for the benefits and advantages of your product, they remain in close touch with these benefits, get informed about your products - they are 100% with your web site.

Pop-up give some activity to your web site, this gives a fair feeling that something is going on the web site. Action brings more action and gives action to your visitors.

Pop-up can work as a tool for qualifying the "targetness" of your audience. You can ask different questions in the very pop-up - thus you will know what your clients need and want.

So, Generally You See The Potential Of Using Pop-Ups For Any Online Business.

Use Pop-Up Windows And Drive Targeted Traffic To Your Web Site!

Nickolay Bokhonok - CEO And Owner Of DesktopMoney LTD. Inventor of Internet marketing software and scripts. Successful Internet entrepreneur. Learn more about web site traffic building strategies, tips and tools at - Free Traffic System - Your Web Site Traffic Doctor.

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