7 Ways To Get More Repeat Traffic To Your Site

1. Make all or part of your site into a valuable directory.

Set up different sections of your site for people to submit their ezines, articles, ebooks or affiliate programs to such as marketing, writing, publishing, etc.

Your directory will not only increase your repeat traffic but will also help you to attract very targeted visitors to your site that are interested in your products or the products of affiliate programs you've joined.

2. Publish a what's new section.

This section will keep your visitors up to date on any new additions to your site and is especially useful if your site is constantly updated by you or by your visitors who submit their own content to your site.

3. Provide resources on your site that your visitors can use on a regular basis such as a search engine submitter, email formatter or meta tag checker.

4. Add a discussion board to your site where your visitors can network with each other.

Post your own tips and advice to your board along with your signature file and use your discussion board to get to know your visitors better.

This will help you to continue to improve your product, copy, and service and can also help you to gain ideas about new products for you to offer your visitors.

5. Create a list that your visitors can subscribe to that announces to them when your site is updated.

For instance if you ran an article directory you could list the titles and descriptions of the newest article submissions to your site along with the URLs where your subscribers can view them.

You could also use your list to increase your revenue by selling sponsor ads to people who would like to advertise to your list.

6. Make polls and surveys available on your site.

Running your own polls or surveys, in addition to providing you with more repeat traffic, can also help you to acquire valuable information from your visitors.

For instance your polls and surveys could be used to find out how effective your copy is and to measure your customers' satisfaction with your products or customer service.

Your polls and surveys can also provide you with needed feedback that you can use when deciding on new products to add to your product line.

7. Publish an ezine.

Your ezine will provide you with a very effective way to keep your visitors coming back to your site to use the resources you provide to them, to view your articles, and most importantly to buy your products.

Provide your subscribers with special sales and discounts to increase the number of your subscribers who purchase from you for the first time and also to garner more repeat sales.

About The Author

Article by writer, Ken Hill. For more articles and a great tutorial on ezine publishing visit Ken's site today at: http://www.netpromarketer.com

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