5 Ways to Get More Traffic to Your Site

One thing you can never have too much of online is web site traffic. If you're looking for ways to drive more visitors to your site, try these traffic generating tips?

TRAFFIC TIP #1: Develop Several Pages Focused On Particular Keywords

Search Engine specialists don't recommend using external doorway or gateway pages, since sites are being penalized for having duplicate pages. Instead, develop several webpages on your site, each of which is focused on a different keyword or key phrase. For example, rather than listing all your services on a single webpage, try developing a separate one for each. These pages will rank higher for their keywords since they contain targeted rather than general content. And since not many people are doing this yet you'll find it's possible to get several top 10 rankings.

TRAFFIC TIP #2: Pay Super Affiliates To Promote Your Site

Hand pick webmasters with popular sites or list owners with large, responsive lists and offer them $100 just for signing up for your affiliate program and promoting your link. With this approach you'll definitely get their attention and ensure that you sign up real affiliates who will actively promote your products and services. Even just 3 or 4 of these affiliates can cause a substantial increase in your site's traffic (and your sales!).

TRAFFIC TIP #3: Give Away Your Product Or Service To Influential People

In every target market there is a group of people who are the "influencers". They're the ones who like to try new products and are very outspoken when they find something they like. The best way to reach these people is to start a word of mouth advertising campaign. Do this by giving away early versions of your product or service to the influencers in your industry and encourage them to spread the word to everyone they know.

TRAFFIC TIP #4: Create An Advergame Specific To Your Site

Advergames are small online games designed to drive traffic to your site based on their entertainment value. As their name suggests their purpose is to advertise your website, product or service in a fun way. If you design one that becomes popular it can create a substantial amount of traffic to your site. Make the most of this by requiring people to give their name and email address before they can play so that you can follow up with them later. The best part is if your game is fun and unique people will tell everyone they know. What a great viral technique!

TRAFFIC TIP #5: Do A Direct Mail Campaign Using Postcards

Postcards have become a favorite advertising method of online marketers because they're easy to design, inexpensive and they almost always get read. The added bonus is that not only does the recipient read it but often so do several other people along the way. To get started with a postcard campaign use your current customer list and send them a special offer. Another option is to find someone with a list and ask if you can pay them per postcard to send your offer. Or, find a reputable list company and purchase a list of potential customers. Remember though, like all advertising you can't send one card and expect a flood of orders. Create a campaign that includes a minimum of 3 cards to get the maximum benefit.

About The Author

Learn 96 other ways to get more traffic in the Free Special Report "101 Tips To Explode Your Web Site Traffic". Get it now from http://www.mysmallbizcoach.com/trafficarticle.html

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