The Secrets of Looking and Feeling Younger and HGH Supplements

The mankind has never stopped searching for the scerets of youth ever since the dawn of intelligence. The tales date back to at least the time of the Alexander Romance in the West. In the East, the efforts of searching for permanent youth were recorded in the Huangdi Nei Jing (the Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine) - the earliest medical classic in China, written 2000 years ago. Gerontology now reveals that the secrets of youth are the Human Growth Hormones (HGH) and the genes inside every man and woman's body.

Hormones are chemical messengers that help your body perform functions necessary for health and well-being. One such hormone that is much talked about is the human growth hormone (HGH). Produced by the pituitary gland in our brain, this hormone is responsible for the health and vitality associated with youth.

Several studies show that the body produces roughly 15% less HGH with each successive decade. Therefore, as you get older and your body produces less HGH, you start to notice that you look and feel older. The original belief was that the pituitary gland simply didn't have the capacity to produce large amounts of HGH as you grow older. However, recent studies report that aging pituitary glands are actually capable of producing as much HGH as a young pituitary gland; only it has to be adequately stimulated. Now, this is where the HGH supplements come in.

The best means of elevating HGH levels is to stimulate the body to produce more HGH. Instead of introducing more of the hormone into the body, the role of HGH supplements would be to stimulate your pituitary gland to produce more HGH. HGH supplements eliminate the worry of side effects because you will not be introducing foreign HGH into your body. Also, your body is adept in self-regulating, so it's not likely to produce an excessive amount of HGH which could be harmful.

You have probably heard enough about HGH to know that there are a lot of HGH supplements available now. Besides making you feel and look younger, they are also known to make you lose weight, gain lean muscle, lower blood pressure, boost your immune system, and improve your memory and mood. Could HGH supplements indeed be the "miracle pill" that everyone says it is? There's only one way to find out.

Copyright @2005, Natalie Aranda

You have permission to publish this article electronically free of charge, as long as the bylines and links in the body of the article and the bylines are included.

Natalie Aranda is a freelance writer. She writes about family, online dating, health, beauty and HGH supplements.

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