Stop Suffering With Arthritis Pain Today!

MSM (methyl-sulfonyl-methane) is a nutritional supplement derived from natural organic sulfur. It has been found to have tremendous pain relieving benefits for multiple ailments. MSM has the ability to relieve inflammation and resulting pain associated with arthritis.

Clinical Research Reveals The Medicinal Power Of MSM

Clinical research has shown MSM to alleviate pain, reduce stiffness and swelling and improve the mobility of joints. MSM also promotes blood flow aiding the healing and recovery process after physical activity. Doctors report that MSM is so effective that they often are able to lower or even stop the dosages of medication they are prescribing for their patients.

Although MSM is a breakthrough remedy for arthritis sufferers its benefits are beyond the treatment of this disease. There are substantial clinical experiences proving the benefits of MSM regarding sprains and their healing time. Follow this link to read more:

The Phosoplex? MSM Connection

Lisa a tennis pro from Franklin Lakes New Jersey has been using MSM for almost three years. Lisa states, " MSM keeps me on the court and teaching. I heal faster from minor pulls and feel better than I did five years ago on the court. I will continue with MSM supplementation.

Ray a retired used car salesman has been using a product called Phosoplex? containing MSM for three months. Ray states, Phosoplex has really eased the pain. My arthritis was getting unbearable since I stooped taking doctor prescribed drugs. Phosoplex has been a pleasant surprise because I thought I was going to have to get on a prescription again which is a scary thought in this day and age."

There are numerous formulas that contain MSM. Phosoplex? from Optimal Therapeutics stands out because it combines MSM with other beneficial ingredients such as BioCell Collagen II® and Nextrutine? aiding the arthritis sufferer. Combining quality ingredients in a formula like Phosoplex? makes for a synergistic effect between the ingredients. Results are even more pronounced than when MSM is used in an individual supplement. Either in a quality formulation like Phosoplex? or as a stand alone MSM is definitely worth a try.

About the Author

Janet is a pain relief specialist located in New York. She offers a broad range of alternative solutions for all health and pain related issues. For more information on natural health and fitness lifestyle options, log on to

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