Grreen Power

It's green, it's valuable, and it can vastly improve your quality of living.

One more hint: It's not money.

No, this stuff actually does grow on trees.

It's called Vitamin K and although you don't hear about it as often as the standard A-through-E vitamins, researchers are discovering more and more of its invaluable functions.

Vitamin K will provide you with health rather than wealth, but there's no mistaking that it's loaded with benefits. Aside from its many already proven functions, researchers now believe that Vitamin K prevents osteoporosis, the disease that weakens the bones, a function that until now seemed primarily in calcium's hands.

The fat-soluble vitamin is essential for many suffering health problems, particularly those experiencing birth complications or bleeding disorders. Vitamin K has been linked to growth and development of the new-born and has also aided those with intestinal malfunctions and those who suffer frequent nosebleeds and excessive bleeding.

Everybody needs Vitamin K in his or her system. Deficiency in this vitamin will effect the development process of infants, leading to problems like Hemorrhagic disease, which is characterized by abnormal bleeding through the intestines or umbilical cord.

In adults, these deficiencies lead to severe blood clotting, particularly in the stomach, and can lead to considerable intestinal complications.

Vitamin K is most commonly found in green leaf-like sources like spinach, green tea, cabbage, turnip greens, and brussels sprouts. Others like alfalfa, soybeans, cheddar cheese, oats, and cauliflower are also rich on the vitamin. So if you're a big salad eater, chances are that you're getting a very healthy dose of Vitamin K.

But overdoses in Vitamin K, which are extremely rare, have been linked to brain damage in infants and liver malfunctions in adults.

Aside from the aforementioned natural sources, Vitamin K is also available in tablets and should be taken with meals or an hour after completion of a meal.

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Copyright - MuscleMaster, Inc.

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