Will Your Vitamins Be Banned?

Imagine this scenario by the end of next August...

You contact your favorite supplement distributor to purchase some of your usual vitamins and other supplements and you find out that they have all been banned!


The joint support supplement you depended upon to keep your knees healing and pain free is now gone. The vitamins you loved to take to keep your energy level high and immune system strong - all gone.

"You are no longer allowed to buy natural supplements as they are now classified as "medical drugs" " Your former distributor explains.

"Because they are now classified as "medical drugs" under the new laws, you are no longer free to purchase them."

"What new laws?" You ask.

"A few years ago the European Commission passed the European Food Supplements Directive."

"What do European laws have to do with US?" "What right do they have to say what goes on in America!"

"What does Congress have to say about this?"

"Well", says your former distributor, "Congress passed laws in the 1990's and made us members of the world trade organization." "And as members of the world trade organization, according to Congress, The United States signed on to legally binding agreements to make sure our laws do not contradict with the world trade organization laws."

"So what you are telling me is we no longer have our rights under The Constitution of the United States of America?" "Other countries and organizations have power over our country?"

"What can we do to stop this?"

"Well, we could have stopped this from happening back in 2004, however people were to busy with their own lives and the conflicts our country was involved in at the time were distracting." "Meanwhile, our own legislators passed laws that stripped away our sovereignty and our rights."

"Now it's too late."

"This is America in 2007" your former distributor explains ?

Think this can't happen? It IS happening right NOW.

In 2002 the European Union passed the directive on dietary supplements. This directive, which is part of a larger form of legislation called codex alimentarius, is a dangerous directive which takes away your rights as an American Citizen.

This is also supported by your FDA.

Right about now you are asking yourself ?

"Isn't the FDA supposed to be looking out for my best interest when it comes to my health?"

Evidently not.

Are you aware of the devastating effects this will have on your health?

Because it is in violation of our sovereignty and existing Laws, this directive is yet another dangerous threat to our Freedom.

This directive is on track to take effect in the United States in less than ONE year. August 2005 to be exact, and the scenario above will become reality for all of us.

Unless You take action NOW.

Unfortunately, the U.S. media is silent about this disturbing news and the severe restrictions will take effect next August, 2005.

Will you let the freedom robbing directive creep up on you and strip away your freedoms?

Will you allow these laws to classify proven and safe supplements As "medical drugs"?

Naturally, healthy supplements are derived from food and therefore should be treated as food.

We in the U.S. already have labeling laws and mega dosing Laws as follows:

All labeling laws - This means if there are any restrictions as to who should not be taking the products, they are listed right on the label.

All mega dosing laws - These laws state: It is illegal to produce a product which will harm someone if consumed in large quantities, unless there is a warning on the label of the product.

All supplement manufacturers are required by law to follow these standards or they will not be in business.

Naturally as you take a serious evaluation of the consequences of compromising our laws, our constitution, our sovereignty and our Freedoms, You will begin to see that this directive is not for America.

I urge you to write YOUR senators and congressmen to support our rights to choose how to take care of our own health.

Make it clear that this directive is NOT for the U.S.

Take action now and write to your legislators before it is too late.

Let them know in no uncertain terms that you care, that you care About your health, that you care about purchasing safe, natural, side?effect free solutions to your health problems.

Demand accountability from the FDA, urge your legislators to uphold your freedoms and stop the banning of supplements, vitamins, minerals and herbs which have a track record proven to be safe for thousands of years.

Find your legislators here: http://www.senate.gov, http://www.congress.gov/, and express your wishes that they uphold our ability to choose safe and proven supplements and our freedoms!

About The Author

Lee Cummings has been helping real people solve real problems and feel better with proven nutrition for over 4 years. For A No Cost Report- mailto:report@lc-nutrition.com

Discover proven nutrition information: http://www.LC-Nutrition.com; http://www.LC-Nutrition.com/article10.htm

Please feel free to use this article in your newsletter or on your website(with resource box included and use an active link). This article may not be used in any e-mail promotions that do not conform with federal law. If you use this article, please send a brief message to let me know where it appeared: mailto:leeman@lc-nutrition.com

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