The True BMI of Success - What is the True Definition of Success?

(B)e a (M)illionaire (I)ndex

Why am I talking about this topic?

After mentoring hundreds of people and helping many individuals to be more successful in their lives, I discovered that most of us are lacking in understanding what true success is all about. How sure are we that we are more successful today compared to yesterday? How certain are we that tomorrow we will be more successful than today? Are there ways in which we can gauge? And if there are, do we have them? Are we simply living our lives day by day not knowing where we are heading? do we want to regret for the things we have yet to achieve? After much research, I realized that there are three basic principles to true success. Miss any of them and we will miss true success.

Principle 1: Discovering Yourself

Why is it that discovering yourself is entirely related to your success? In all your life, one person has always been constant; and that's you. Therefore, by discovering yourself is the number one single most important step towards true success. And there's a Chinese saying, 'Knowing yourself and your enemies will ensure many victories." How true is this? When we look at it in a different perceptive as we all may know we are our greatest enemy. This enemy who we need to know can be simply ourselves.

A) Discover your definition of success

This is the first thing that we ought to do. Without this, we are simply aimless. Clarity is power; the clearer you are the closer you are to your goal. Take out a paper and write this down. Use the Be-Do-Have concept. Ask ourselves who do we want to be? What do we want to do? And what will we have? Set a five years' goal.

B) Discover your passion

We need to discover our passion, what we truly enjoy doing. As the saying goes, 'When work meets play, we need not work another single day.' All the things we do are divided into two categories. One which give us good feelings and the other which give us bad feelings. We do effortlessly when we are doing things that give us good feeling, in other words, things that we are passionate about. It is truly essential for us to do this as it could speed up the whole journey to success five to ten times faster.

C) Discover your strength

All of us has different calling, all of us has different capabilities. Isn't it obvious that our strengths can easily be ten to twenty times more effective than our weaknesses? But don't get me wrong, all of us ought to dwell on our strengths and work on weaknesses. What will happen if you're full unleashing your full potential? I ensure you it will be truly fabulous!

Principle 2: Believing in Yourself

If there is only one task that you need to do to reach your success; it is this: truly believe in yourself. Faith in yourself is the only known fuel to your success. Belief will unleash one's full potential and this will enable you to have effective action and effective action will give you the right results. When right results are obtained, it will in turn strengthen your beliefs once again. Believing in yourself is the most important definition of success.

Principle 3: Partnering Yourself

Most of the successful people in the world team themselves with someone else. And this is when one plus one equal more than two. It is equal to three or more. As I have mention earlier, to dwell on your strengths and passion. Then, who are taking care of your other essential tasks which may be your weakness and dislikes. A team is the solution. Can you imagine a scenario in which all of us in the team are doing things that we are most effective and passionate about? This get together will create miracles which is what a TEAM stands for: Together Everyone Achieves Miracles. However, this is only possible if there are times spent to know your team mates.

In summary:

These three principles are great gauges for true success. It takes much maturity to follow true success as it may not simply be having lots of money. To be financially rich is simply one of the gauges of how successful a person is, but it is may not be the best measurement. If what we desire is a passive income or long term success, we ought to look at things that are more permanent. Discovering yourself, believing in yourself and ally yourself is the three most important and permanent elements.

As long as we improve in our knowledge in these three elements each day, we will know that we are closer to our success. Success is not a matter of chance; it's a matter of choice. I'm glad that by reading this, I know that you've made your choice. Discover, believe and ally yourself each day and you will be on the way to greater success. Stay focus and stay successful.

I am the co-founder of a seminar organizing company in Singapore. My company is a provider of focused training, coaching and mentoring based in Singapore. We brought Dr John C. Maxwell into Singapore last year in September and it was very well attended by more than 700 delegates. Our clients include MNCs like Citibank, Singtel, SIA, Shell Petroleum and government agencies like STB, Ministry of Transport, MOE, IRAS, etc.

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