Nothing Comes Easy

I am constantly approached by people when I am speaking at an event and asked the same two questions

"How easy is it to become rich?" and, "How can I become rich really fast?" I am still amazed at the thought process that must be going on in these people's heads.

You see the prize doesn't go to the first person to reach a million dollars in their life or the person who dies with the most money in the back. Your prize is the fact that you have attempted something and it has worked. Whether that is a financial goal or a personal goal, the end result is still the same. SATISFACTION!

There are no short cuts to success.

Sure there are a lot of seminars out there promising to show you "all the secrets of the rich that they thought would never get out" but that is a load of hog wash.

We all need to understand that to reach a level of success will take us a while and will be filled with a lot of up and down experiences.

Recently I had two very different experiences that I hope will highlight the two different ways people view reaching and experiencing success.

Tara was a young lady who rang me one day for some advice about her business that was just in its start up phase.

She was struggling with the day to day processes of setting this business up and she was finding it a bit daunting.

After speaking to her for a while and giving her some of my experiences where she was at she seemed to lift and seemed fairly confident that she could overcome her issues.

About a month later I gave her a quick call to see how things were going for her. Her situation wasn't a great deal better but her attitude towards fulfilling her dreams seemed to be right on track. She seemed to have a new spark in her voice.

I asked her what it was and she told me that "no matter what, she was going to succeed."

She also stated that she knew that reaching a level of financial freedom was not going to be easy but she wasn't going to allow herself to give up.

Then there is Simon. Simon approached me about the same time as Tara. Simon was also struggling with his business. The difference between Simon and Tara was that Simon expected everyone else to get him to where he wanted to go. I also sat down with Simon and gave him more time than I did with Tara. He was a very draining person. You may have met people like Simon before. You know the type that no matter what you say or what advice you give them, there is always an answer or a reason why your way wouldn't work? Well that was Simon.

I showed him very simple principals that if implemented, they would take his business to the next level.

I also contacted Simon a few weeks later to see how he was going. Well, I shouldn't have. Because all I had to listen to was his whinging and whining.

He was frustrated not with himself, but with me, because he didn't want to do what I told him. He wanted an easier way, something that would save him time and effort whilst also making him money.

He was not prepared to put in the hard yards to get what he wanted.

You see if there are things that you want that you don't already have, then extra effort will be required. Whilst I realise that this may seem to be a common sense statement; you would be surprised by the amount of Simon's out there and the lack of Tara's.

Only one of the two people that I have mentioned in this article will even have a slim chance at reaching their desired success.

There are no guarantees that any of us will reach success. Just because you would like to become successful doesn't really mean anything.

The minute you acknowledge to yourself that you are going to do what ever it takes, and that nothing comes easy, will be the minute that you are finally on your way at least to seeing some success in your life.

Never give up. Go on I dare you!

Justin Herald started a business with only $50. 6 years later that business was turning over $20 Million. He retired at the age of 31 and is now considered one of the worlds rising stars in the field of self improvement. Justin has 3 international best selling books:

1. Would you like Attitude with that?
2. What are you waitng for?
3. It's all a matter of attitude.

He was also named the "International Entrepreneur of the Year" 2005

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