Are You Looking For Success With A KISS?

I am sure that you're familiar with the old formula for success that has been around for years. It's KISS.

KISS stands for: "Keep It Simple, Stupid!"

KISS is very simple yet powerful advice. Follow it and you will get the most from your employees, your company, your family and your life. Think about the most meaningful activities of your life. They are usually the simple things. Watching the sunset across a quiet lake? Admiring the rainbow after a summer rain... Watching children playing in the park? Reading a good book... Planting flowers... Visiting with close friends... There is nothing very complicated about these activities, yet they are some of the most pleasurable things in life.

Well, here it is, the KISS formula for success?

Just show up every day and focus on giving life your absolute very best shot.

Many people complicate their lives and careers by always looking outside themselves for something that they probably have within them already. The training director of a giant corporation once said, "My problem is not to teach our people something new, but to get them to use the knowledge they already have!"

What is it that you want to accomplish? Are you using the knowledge and skills that you already have? Are you giving it your best shot? You have the knowledge, right now to become a better salesperson, manager, teacher, parent, husband or wife. Write down a few ways to improve what you are doing, then simply do them! Again, it really is about the KISS! It's the "doing" that counts. What you do makes the waves on your ocean of life. And with the doing, you will discover new abilities, learn new lessons, grow and accomplish.

Look around any organization and observe its true leaders. They are builders; they are "doing" something, they are showing up every day and giving it their best shot! Sacrifice, untiring effort, commitment, perseverance, plunging into a task with every bit of your mind, body and spirit is what really counts.

Success in life is really about simply going out every day and giving it your absolute very best shot! That's success with a "KISS!"

Renee Rich is a success entrepreneur and freelance writer offering guidance and suggestions for small to mid-sized businesses concerned with business continuity, time management, strategic internet marketing, business & money. Her many articles on these topics as well as researched links to websites providing related product and services can be found at:

She gives information and tips to help grow your business, save money, manage your time, and make informed buying decisions. Learn more about business success and making money at: com/business_&_money.htm

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