How To Eliminate Or Manage Stress

Are you a "worry wart?" Is that term familiar to you? It is to me but it's been a long time since I've heard it used. I do remember people telling me years ago when something was really bothering me and they would say, "Oh! you are a just a real "worry wart".

I don't believe I am a "worry wart" now but some times things do concern me and I may tend to worry about it somewhat. However I've learned most times things aren't worth worrying about. Things usually turn out for the best even though they might not turn out as exactly you wanted them to be

Worrying about things in your life can create unwanted stress. Stress can create many health problems. Millions of people try to chase away worries by eating too much, drinking to excess, taking drugs only to find out they can't eliminate worry. As a matter of fact, they are usually creating many more health problems than they realize.

I bet you, like I, know people who never seem to worry about anything. Either they don't worry or they just seem to be able to handle life's problems without creating much stress in their life. So how do they do it? Some have told me what helps them to conquer this is just stay busy doing things or going places.

For myself, since I've retired, I still stay active all the time. I have a daily goal planner that I use to record activities I plan to do everyday. (They are entered in my planner each day before the next day). One of those activities that really helps me relieve any stress I may have is some form of exercise. In the winter when I'm in Florida I ride my bike for about 30 minutes everyday.

I've also found that just relaxing in my lounge chair with some soft music playing is a great way for relieving stress. When I've gotten involved in some intense activity for several hours I not only find it stress relieving but also it will eventually cause me to want to stop and retreat to my lounge chair for a few minutes.

It's reported that doctors estimate that at least one third of all office visits are prompted by anxiety. One in four Americans will at some time suffer from an anxiety disorder. Everyone can relate to worry, anxiety and depression.

In one of my previous newsletters I publish weekly I mention that the way you talk to others and the self talk you use (that's the inner conversations you are having with yourself) has an influence on your thinking. So what's that have to do with stress? Everything! If your thoughts are basically negative you can bet you will be creating a high level of stress in your life.

Setbacks in your life can create stressful moments for you too. These might include job promotion refusals, financial problems, family situations, and even health issues. Willie Jolley says this: It is generally true that "setbacks are part of life" A setback is not the end of the road. It's really "a bend in the road" And only those who crash are those who fail to turn, who fail to change.

The result you experience from setbacks could create a negative attitude. Your drive to compete could be diminished, temperament flare-up could occur and a host of other things could crop up, too. You could suddenly lose all interest in everything you do. So what do you do about it? The first thing you need to do is identify those things causing your stress. See if they really are as serious as you first thought.

That way you get an even clearer picture of them so that you become more aware of which are truly detrimental and which of those are not. Then the next thing to do is research ways to handle them. Analyze them. Get the clearest picture you can of the problem. Figure out ways to avoid them. Go over them. Go around them. Look for an alternate route to handle the problem at hand.

The main thing is, do not give up until you have found a solution. If this means "professional help", then get it. However try to find a professional who can treat you without prescribing drugs. There are many ways to treat this condition without using drugs. Using drugs might even worsen your condition.

We live in a world today that is so fast-paced it's no wonder people experience constant stress. Even though in earlier years when I was much younger I don't remember people being as stressful as they are today. I guess maybe it's because we are exposed to much more negative imput today then ever before.

We get that negative imput constantly everyday on the TV news, the internet, the tabloids and sometimes even closer contact with other people can cause it. We can help avoid that imput by not listening to the news programs, going to other TV channels and /or the internet for informative and educational sites and not buying those tabloids.

In my constant search on the Internet I find many things of interest to better my life. To me, even though there is a lot of bad and useless information on the net, it is still is a good place to get educated and informed on any subject of interest to you.

I don't claim to be an expert on stress management. I do know of things that have helped me and others but I'm still always searching for different and better methods.

Here's a site I just visited today that has an ebook on the subject. I just purchased a downloadable version that I'm looking forward to reading entitled "How To Stop Your 67 Worst Worries". Theyare running a special on it now for a very reasonable price. Take a look at:

If you have even more interest about stress go to the Google search engine and type in stress and you will find all kinds of valuable information on the subject. If you find a way that helps you in anyway I'd be interested in knowing about it. Just email me at I wish you good luck and good health.

Sonny Julius is a 74 year old retired sales supervisor, Prior to his sales career he spent 30 years in the family florist business. Becoming dissatisfied with that business he decided it was time to leave it and pursue a sales career. His interest in the internet eventually led him to write an ebook geared to senior citizens. The ebook is a guide for living the senior lifestyle.

Sonny Julius, President of S A & Associates, is devoted to teaching senior citizens "How To Have The Time Of Their Life For The Rest Of Their Life" For more information go to:

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