Search... Search... Search Your Way To eBay Cash!

One of the most valuable things in life is the ability to learn a skill. One of my dad's favorite sayings was "You can give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, or you can teach a man to fish and he will never go hungry." This can be applied to searching on eBay.

The main things I search for when I am mining Internet gold is by Product Title or Listing as it is called; but you need to remember that we always want to view Completed Auctions. It doesn't matter if a computer is listed at $1, and there are 2 days left...that information doesn't help us. We need cold, hard facts of what that computer sold for, how much it sold for and who bought it; and this is available to you on Completed Auctions. Many times when I search by a product and see that it is a hot seller, I will then check for the top sellers of that product. Then I check the sellers other auctions.

Very Important - Successful eBay Sellers Are Just That For A Reason! They know the tricks and techniques that get those sales. View all the items and incorporate your own ideas to make your sales successful. Don't reinvent the wheel. Your goal is to Make Fast Cash! Clone what works, and integrate them with your own ideas. Use the following guidelines as an aid in your search:

1. When do the "hot sellers list?

2. What starting prices do they use?

3. What is the wording in their ads?

4. What is the duration of their auctions ( 3, 5 or 7 day auctions)

Eliminate trial and error. Concentrate on successful power sellers. With all of this information at your fingertips you need to realize that you don't need to be an expert in any product you want to sell. Focus on hot, selling products and the techniques the top eBay sellers use to sell them.

Tim Gilberg is able to provide information and insight from a unique perspective - that of someone who is actually doing what others just talk about. Ebay Power Seller Platinum Status was Attained by Tim Gilberg, which is one of the highest sales levels attained selling on eBay. Tim is active on Ebay and as well as consulting and working with other Top ebay Power Seller's to give you real life in use insight, not theories.Visit Tim Gilberg at his website Make Money on eBay

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