6 Little Prayers That Bring Healing - Every Time You Pray

Ok, let's start with the amazing story of Robbie and how a little-known scripture in the book of Galatians got him healed of cancer - after the doctors had given him only 6 months to live!!

Ready? Here we go...

Robbie at 45 was diagnosed with terminal cancer several years ago and was given just 6 months to live. He and his wife Nancy, resigned to this fate, and retired to a small community to wait for the end.

They were Christians. They believed the Bible. So, instead of blaming God like so many in this kind of situation do, they made up their minds that they were going to study the Scripture and pray till the very end.

An old story remembered

But Nancy also remembered a story she'd read years ago. It was about a certain missionary in the jungles of Africa who came down with a deadly disease and was left to die. After a week of intense suffering and pain, he had a dream.

In the dream, he saw his Bible opened at a certain chapter and two verses of scripture highlighted in red. He woke up, managed to open his Bible to that chapter and painfully copied out the two verses.

Scripture Verses in Action

Every few hours he would pray using those two verses. The pains were tormenting him. On the third day, he drifted off to a painful sleep after the prayers, as usual. Many hours later, he was awakened by a fearful sound - the roaring of a lion. He leapt to his feet, and started running blindly for a while.

Then he stopped.

It suddenly hit him that he was completely healed... he was feeling no trace of pain at all!

Nancy remembered this story vividly and hope began to rise in her that God could also intervene and save the life of her husband.


So they continued to praise God, even in this circumstance. They kept right on thanking Him. And they kept praying.

Then it happened.

During prayer one night, a verse of scripture in Philippians kept coming into Robbie's mind. To his surprise, Nancy stopped abruptly after a few minutes and announced she was going to search for a verse that'd been flashing in her mind since they started praying.

Guess what? It was the exact same verse that Robbie was thinking about. They opened the Bible, found it and began to use it everyday in prayer.

The miracle begins

The 6 months came and went. Robbie was still alive. In fact, he seemed to be getting better and better everyday.

One year. Two years...

Robbie was back on his feet. He even went back to his old job for a while. Five years later, he retired to become a full time missionary. He's still in the mission field a decade after he was supposed to be dead from terminal cancer!

P.S. The scripture in Galatians and the prayer points that Robbie prayed are all detailed in the latest edition of my popular ebook "Prayer Cookbook for Busy People."

Click here to get a taste of it FREE:


Be blessed!

Prayer coach Elisha Goodman helps busy people get quick results through prayer. Learn more about his two golden key secrets that guarantee answers to your prayers at http://www.firesprings.com.

Check out his ebook packed with tips and strategies on how to attract a car, house, spouse or anything else you desire through prayer - almost everytime you pray at http://www.firesprings.com/prayer.htm

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