Is It Safe To Walk Into Your Doctors Office?

In a recent case study which I also summarized in a recent article entitled "Some Evidence of How We Are Spiritually Connected" I discuss how we are connected beyond the physical.

Briefly the study revealed that two individuals who experienced the same traumatic incident together shared the energetic memory of the incident in their own bio-fields as well as a common interpersonal or collective field. When I employed a new modality to help one of the individuals completely release their energetic memory from their bio-field the other individual's energetic memory also spontaneously cleared. What was remarkable about this result was that the second individual was sequestered and blind to the entire process i.e. he didn't know what I was doing with the first person.

Now given this interesting result I want to discuss the implications of this result in terms of the kinds of energy fields we find ourselves "bathed" in throughout our lives. When individuals live in close quarters and share a common "energy field environment" the individual fields that contribute to that environment i.e. the respective bio-fields of each individual, seem to have the capacity to affect other individuals in that energetic environment. This was shown when the release of one's energetic memory spontaneously and and non-locally (i.e. at a distance) affected the bio-field of the person not present.

Although this was a "positive" or "healing" shift in the collective field it is just as likely that a "negative" or "destructive" shift can be introduced by one individual and thereby also affect others negatively. This is seen, for instance when, individuals in a given family mysteriously acquire a similar illness at the same time.

Now given this observation I would like to address the types of negative, or for that matter "toxic", energy that we sometimes find ourselves "walking" through. Clearly, any and all negative information that comes to us through the media is one type of toxicity. Another one, which will come not only as a surprize but as a shocking irony, is the energy field that we come into contact with when we enter our doctor's office.

Now of course, in this context, there are the toxic energies brought in by other clients. However even more significant, I feel is the energy information stored within the doctor's field itself. Let me explain.

The entire training of a physician is about learning the causes and treatemts of illnesses. This education is so embedded within the consciousness of a physician that they come to literally beleive and accept that what they have learned is the truth. So, for instance, suppose you have what your doctor eventually diagnoses as a "terminal" illness, then your bio-field will automatically "imbibe" (if you choose to believe it that is) "so to speak" that information.

Now as long as that information is in your field then your body will be receiving information cascaded down from the bio-field (see "The Divine Holographic Energy Field") that tells it that it is "going to die". That is what terminal means!

In other articles i.e. "Reversing Macular Degeneration: Without Drugs or Surgery" and "All Your Problems Are Based In False Beliefs", I discuss how your beliefs have the potential to create (and by eliminating them potentially reverse) the illnesses one experiences.

So if you follow me so far, walking into your doctor's office may make you "think" that you are getting help on one level, yet at an energetic level may actually be making you ill. Another way to see this for yourself is to just feel what it feels like to walk into say a hospital or your doctor's office. That should speak for itself. Where would you rather be?

Dr. Nick Arrizza is trained in Chemical Engineering, Business Management & Leadership, Medicine and Psychiatry. He is a Key Note Speaker, Author, Stress Management Coach, Peak Performance Coach & Researcher, Specializes in Life and Executive Performance Coaching, is the Developer of a powerful new tool called the Mind Resonance Process(TM) that helps build physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being by helping to permanently release negative beliefs, emotions, perceptions and memories. He holds live workshops, international telephone coaching sessions and international teleconference workshops on Physical. Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Well Being. Personal URL:

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