A Man Called Jesus


I have been trying to ignore this title "A Man Called Jesus," all morning.

I cannot get it out of my head and I don't particularly want to write about it, but I cannot shake it off. I thought that I would sit down and let it all out and then I could delete it. Although I no longer consider myself Christian, I don't really want to comment too much on Christian or any other symbols. However I have agreed to be a channel for Joseth, so I am prepared to honour that agreement.

Danger lurks in the physical symbols that humanity creates to worship and they are robbing you of your power.

The symbols of the cross or the Ferrari in your driveway were created by man for man while in human form. Symbols are all subject to interpretation and are designed to represent a message "open or subliminal," to those that make them their new truth and either way, they represent the values and truth of those that created them, not yours.

Over a period of time the meaning of any symbol becomes distorted and will change as humanities thoughts about them change. All symbols belong in a museum and do not represent the thoughts or truths of everyone. Symbols exclude those that do not recognize or accept them and they create separation and have a tendency to disconnect people from each other, even for the one that may believe the philosophy but not the symbol. They also create jealousy, animosity, and hatred amongst people of different beliefs.

Jesus is the symbol that Christianity is built around. Jesus was just a man like everyone else and the story of Jesus was created by men for men as man began to pick away at the power controlled by women in a matriarchal society.

Jesus was said by Christians to be the son of God in human flesh, but he was like any other, made of skin and bone no different than any of you. Jesus demonstrated physically what all humanity is inherently capable of. The only difference between Jesus and the rest of the world at the time was that he understood the connection that he had with his creator, the same connection that all things have and he did not limit his power. Although he called himself the son of God, he knew in fact that he was God in human form as are all humans. God is the sum of all its parts and only the name creates the separation from its parts, and Jesus understood this separation and used the awareness of his own power to demonstrate that connection. Jesus demonstrated the connection to Creator in all that he did and proclaimed that likewise all men have access to the same power.

What this Christian symbol demonstrated was designed to awaken this knowingness that you all have, the man was just a man and should not be worshipped or sold as the way to salvation or eternal life. What the symbol represented was forgotten and the symbol became an icon to be worshipped and your power was transferred to him. It is now the symbol that would bring you all that you desired. You unwittingly transfer your power to the objects that you worship at the expense of your own and you then become powerless. You depend on things and others to bring into your lives that which you desire, and because you do not wish to take the responsibility for having any great power, you seldom get what it is that you desire. When you don't get it, you now have someone to blame and can easily dismiss your failed deliverance because you are unworthy or are being punished and the bonus is that you do not have to take any responsibility.

In order for humanity to move forward it must change, it must move past worshipping things, in fact it must move past worshipping period. When you understand that you are the power there will be no need to bow to anything or anyone. You will smile in reverence to that which you are, going inward and recognizing your true self, expressing reverence and gratitude for what you are and have created. Prayers, meditation and worship are focus techniques that can separate you from your power, and those actions project outward away from you and they are not necessary if you already identify with all aspects of self.

I want to tell you now that there is nothing inherently wrong with participating in these things. You live in the physical world and you are here to experience all things physical, but don't allow them to take your thoughts away from who you are and what you physically symbolize. All organizations and religions have symbols and protocols that are designed to keep you in the system. The story of Jesus is symbolic of Christian belief and likewise is designed to keep the power in the church as are the holy texts, symbols that work the same way.

All thoughts are built upon old thoughts, so belief systems give rise to new ones and they have their purpose in time and space. You should never be turned from you belief system until you are ready to do so on your own volition and within your ability to handle the new information. Another can only bring awareness of something new but cannot force you into accepting it. It would not work anyways as there must be a willingness to create a new truth before the old one can be dismissed.

As you contemplate putting yourself into a position of worshipping any symbol remember that you are doing it for a measure of security and are willingly giving up your power to choose anything else and actually loosing the security that you were seeking. You are placing yourself into a box or a closed system and all closed systems are doomed in time.

The celebration of life is about moving, always changing, if it is you desire to live life to its fullest, and then you must leave yourself open to new ideas. Change is the only constant in life. Those of higher awareness embrace change and move with it. Your tenure in the physical world is very brief, explore as much of it as you wish but do not embrace it as all that is, nor allow yourself to be trapped by one small aspect of it. If you must choose a symbol, choose wisely and find one that demonstrates who you are and your model of the world and your relationship to it at this moment. Choose to symbolize your freedom, your power and your connection to all things and your willingness to change your truth as you become more enlightened, without separating yourself from the whole.

You may declare that you are a Canadian, American or Chinese or that you are white, black or red and when you do that you embrace the knowing that you are part of the whole without giving up your individuality or the power of the group that you associate yourself with.

You can therefore also say that you are God, while still retaining your individuality. In other words you are God being aware that you are God while also being one of the pieces of God in human form. You are a symbol of what God is in human form.

Roy E. Klienwachter is a resident of British Columbia, Canada. A student of NLP, ordained minister, New Age Light Worker and Teacher. Roy has written and published five books on New Age wisdom. Roy's books are thought provoking and designed to empower you to take responsibility for your life and what you create. His books and articles are written in the simplicity and eloquence of Zen wisdom.

You may not always agree with what he has to say. You will always come away with a new perspective and your thinking will never be the same.

Roy's style is honest and comes straight from the heart without all the metaphorical mumble jumble and BS.

Visit Roy at: http://www.klienwachter.com

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