Counsel for Non Church Goers

Not going to church has the advantage of having free time on Sunday morning and not having to bother with getting out of bed and traveling to the meeting place of worship service. In America you have the right to attend or not attend.

The Bible Christians go by is not a fairy tale. It is a message from God that everyone desperately needs to receive. The problem is that it is a collection of 66 books. People who are unfamiliar with it don't have the slightest idea of where to look to get the message they vitally need. That is why it is necessary to learn from those who have a knowledge of God's book. Not a single person in the pages of the Bible learned the ways of God without help. God sent someone knowledgeable to guide them to the truth.

What is this vital message everyone needs to receive? There is much information needed, but to cut it to the most important, first, there is some bad news. Then there is some good news. The bad news is that those that do not know and obey God will be punished with everlasting destruction. The good news is that God sent his son to die on the cross to forgive our sins and make us acceptable to him.

Salvation is a free gift of the Creator. All we have to do is accept it. This good news is contained in the gospel. The gospel is basically the information of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It can be found in the New Testament books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The book of Acts explains that people became Christians by hearing the Gospel message, repenting of their sins, confessing the name of Jesus and being baptized for the remission of their sins.

Some believe that since the Creator is a loving being he wouldn't punish anyone. He is the same God that would not permit thousands of people in the Old Testament to enter their promised land because of their unbelief and disobedience. He is a God of love to those who accept Jesus as their savior and do what he says. He has no choice but to be a God of wrath to those who refuse to obey him. His choice is based on your choice. Do you want him to be a God of love or wrath?

We serve a God of justice. He is a perfect being that cannot sin or be tempted with sin and cannot associate with anyone that does. Everyone sins so cannot approach God on their own merits. Jesus took our sins to the cross. If we accept and obey him, the Father does not see our sins but the righteousness of his son.

After you have learned the terminology of the Bible and the purpose of all the books, you understand where to go to find the answers you seek. When you become familiar with it, you can easily understand it. When you attend Bible classes, you can get your questions answered and feel comfortable with the Word of God.

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Lynn Bradley is the author of the paperback book, "Climbing the Heavenly Stairs." Learn what Jesus said about living life to the full. Discover what he taught about accomplishing seemingly Impossible things. Learn more by click the following link.

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