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Let's say that you have discovered your purpose but you don't know how to go about obtaining God's purpose for your life. You don't know what to do next. How do you start? How do you go about changing from your present occupation to finding a career using the purpose God gave you?

Let's say God blessed you with the talent to sing. You know that you can sing and so do others. But how do you become a singer?

Well, the first thing you must decide is on what type of music you are interested in singing. Do you sing country music? Gospel music? R&B? Pop? Classical? What type of music do you like to sing?

The second thing you must do is find someone that is doing what you want to do and contact them.

Let's say you want to be a Gospel singer. What gospel singer do you admire? Find a way to contact him or her and ask for suggestions on what you should do to become a gospel singer.

OK, now the question comes up, how do you go about contacting a well-known singer? Isn't it hard to talk with them? No. It isn't. There are six degrees of separation between you and anyone you would like to meet. Buy the album and see what record label they record on. Call the label and ask for the publicity department. Find out if they have information on who manages the singer or who is the publicist. If there is no manager, ask for a book agent number. Call the booking agent and ask for the manager's number. Call the manager and let them know what you are interested in finding out. Keep trying. Be persistent and you will be able to talk with whatever artist you are interested in talking to. You should be able to get in touch with them through one of those channels: record label, booking agent, manager or publicist.

Let's say you want to write a book, or a news column, or an article. Find the publication you would want to write for and call them. Tell them you want to submit an article or a news column and ask what you will have to do.

Look at the name of someone who submitted an article. A lot of times the last paragraph will give you additional information on the author. Contact him or her and ask them what they did to get published. Let them know you are interested in writing and would appreciate any pointers they could offer.If you want to be a fireman, artist, fashion designer, comedian, policeman, politician, whatever, simply contact someone who is presently doing exactly what it is you wish to do and ask them any questions you may have pertaining to entering their field.

It basically works this way for no matter what you are interested in pursuing. Find someone who's doing it and ask him or her how they went about it and follow their example. Do whatever they did.

Suppose someone tells you that in order to get into the field you are interested in, you must have a certain degree from college or a secondary school. But you don't wish to go to school. What can you do?

It's simple, ask if they know of anyone who did it without a degree and get in touch with that person and see what he or she did and do the same.

Monique wanted to be an event planner. She had planned events all of her life for her friends and family. She was really good at it and thought that she would make a great event planner for a corporation.

She didn't know how to start or what she would have to do in order to become an event planner. So she went on the Internet and looked up corporate event planning companies. Most of the sites she went on listed the email address of the employees. So, she contacted them to find out information she was interested in finding out. She wanted to know :

1. How to become an event planner?

2. What should she do to start?

3. What is the average pay?

4. What is required of event planners on a daily basis?

5. What type of events planners are there?

6. What is the best industry to work as an event planner?

7. Are there organizations or associations for event planners and if so, what are the best?

8. Are there newspapers, magazines or newsletters catered to the event planning industry, if so what are the names?

9. How should she go about getting a job as an event planner?

10. Would you be able to give at least three more names of people she could contact?

This tactic will work with any career you are interested in pursuing. Regardless of what you want to accomplish, what field you are interested in pursuing, it will work.

Dawn Fields is a down-to-earth speaker, author and life coach. Visit her web site at and be sure to sign up for Your Life's Purpose newsletter by sending a blank email to with SUBSCRIBE in the subject line and check out her radio broadcast each Thursday night at 9 p.m. EST a

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