Faith - Moves Mountains

Faith is the remarkable force that gives us the empowerment to accomplish the ordinary or the seemingly impossible. How many examples of the remarkable empower of faith in action do you know? Mother Theresa, for instance, had faith that God would provide the food, money and the provisions she needed to continue her service to the poorest of the poor. The chronology of her work is filled with miracle stories about how the things she needed showed up exactly when she needed them, often in the most surprising ways.

If you put your hand on hot coals, do you believe you would burn your hand? Of course you do, and it probably would. Yet if you were to attend a fire-walking ceremony and spend an evening with a group of people who were convinced that the fire wouldn't hurt, it probably wouldn't. Many ordinary people have attended such events and successfully walked over hot coals with little or no blistering. Tony Robbins includes this ceremony at his motivational seminars.

Group agreements such as these, where a group of people decides that reality is going to work differently as they envision it to be, are highly empowered. Faith is synergistic. When we are with people highly empowered with faith and enthusiasm one begins to sense the power of their convictions coming into our thoughts. Any one person with particularly powerful faith can spark the faith of many.

Dr. Willard Fuller, a well-known healer, is an excellent example of this. He is best known for his remarkable ability to spontaneously heal teeth through laying-on of hands - something that until you have witnessed it first hand, it can be quite mind-boggling and doubt-evoking. Yet his faith that God can do anything is so great that he inspires hundreds of people at a time to suspend their beliefs about reality and have an experience they wouldn't have thought possible the day before. He has a remarkably high rate of spontaneous healings in every healing service he conducts. Some people who attend his seminars are even able to "catch" the ability to heal teeth themselves.

Each day and with each situation you can decide to make a new agreement about reality. You can agree that you will experience some form of quantum leap toward your highest good before the day is over. Simply define a quantum leap as an instantaneous manifestation of something your Higher Self wants for you--something that you could experience quickly, through synchronicity, coincidence and ease rather than through planning, waiting and working hard. Many people experience a leap within an hour or two after their decision to make a quantum leap. When I create a quantum leap, I can hardly wait to tell the story to my family and friends-I can hear them chuckling behind the scenes-we always know when she has had another success.

In case you are thinking it's all very well and good to talk about the power of faith, but it is something else altogether to actually have it. What follows are some practical how-to's for growing your own faith more effectively. You may want to make a decision yourself to experience a quantum leap toward your highest good after reading this. You can decide to have the quantum leap experience within a short period or a few days, whichever reflects the possibility of your request.

First, understand what faith is. When we have faith, we have the experience of complete, total inner peace and contentment. We feel completely centered in the present because we know the future is going to be fine, no matter what. With faith we are not attached to a future outcome. With attachment there is fear and the feeling that we won't be OK unless things work out in a particular way. When we are in fear about the future we can't be very present in the moment and we certainly don't experience inner peace.

Faith is also not the same thing as wishing. Faith produces results. Wishing doesn't. Wishing keeps us focused on what we don't have. We feel lack rather than peace. Seek out people who have more faith than you or at least support your faith. Find a friend, a group or a spiritual teacher whose faith will spark your own. Read books about Mother Theresa, Peace Pilgrim, or books by Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Louise Hay or other stories of faith in action. Avoid talking about your faith to people who have less than you unless you have enough to share. Doubt can be catching, too.

Avoid worrying about dispelling all doubt. As Jesus pointed out, we only need faith the size of a mustard seed to move a mountain. Instead of working to get rid of your doubts, focus instead on paying attention to your mustard seed of faith. Let your imagination help you with this. Imagine how it would feel if you did have total faith. Imagine what it would feel like to be someone you know of whose faith is greater than yours. As you step out of yourself in this way and see through new eyes, you will experience a bigger faith. Even a moment of faith is a empower force.

Now the question is, what to have faith in? If you would like to join the experiment in calling forth a quantum leap in the coming week, think of something your heart has been calling for, maybe something that seems a bit out of reach, even a little bit impossible. Be clear about what you want. Be specific. Put it in writing. Visualize it. Pray and ask God, Higher Power, the Universe for what you want. Know you deserve it and that God, Higher Power, or the Universe wants you to be happy. Then let it go.

Next comes the tricky part. Now you have to really let it go. It's important not to go back into doubt by wondering if it worked and when you'll see results. While there is creative power in being clear with God, your High Power or the Universe about what we want, there's even more power in placing our request and then having faith that God, Higher Power or the Universe will deliver it in the best possible way, even if it winds up looking very different than we expected. Imagine that your quantum leap has already occurred, you just don't know where in time it has been placed. It's like a birthday present that's in the mail. You know it's there, you know it's yours and you will receive it simply by going about your life with as much contentment and pleasure as possible.

Finally, faith means expecting success and declaring everything that you experience to be part of your success no matter what. Instead of looking for signs of your success, which is tinged with an attitude of prove-it-to-me doubt, this week practice finding signs of success. It's a little like being on an Easter egg hunt. You know without any doubt those eggs are out there. Some may be so obvious you'll practically step on them, while some you might have to peek behind bushes and rocks to uncover them.

One warning: be aware that taking a quantum leap is not a quick fix. While it is characterized by greater ease, fewer steps and less struggle, it isn't necessarily the most comfortable path. Quantum leaps involve a big step into the unfamiliar. They take us out of our comfort zone, requiring us to embrace change quickly. As physicist Fred Alan Wolf, author of Taking the Quantum Leap stated it, "Taking the quantum leap means taking a risk, going off into uncharted territory with no guide to follow. Such a venture is an uncertain affair at best. It also means risking something that no one else would dare risk." It's a risk well worth taking. See how soon you move mountains!

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD specializes in: Mind, Body, Spirit healing for Individuals, Special Issues and Professional Coaching. As an inspirational leader, Dr. Neddermeyer empowers people to view life's challenges as an opportunity for Personal/Professional Growth and Spiritual Awakening.

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