The Abundant Life!

Count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. -ROMANS 6:11

My friend Randy had given up trying to live the Christian life. He said, "I have tried, but have failed so many times. Nothing seems to work for me." After listening to his account of his many failures and defeats, I began to explain the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Randy interrupted: "I know all about the Holy Spirit. I've read everything I can find, and nothing works for me."

My thoughts turned to Romans 6. I asked him, "Randy, are you sure you're a Christian?"

"Yes," he answered. "I'm sure."

"How do you know?"

"By faith," he responded, then cited Ephesians 2:8?9. "Scripture promises, 'For by grace you have been saved through faith-and this not from yourselves, it's a gift of God-not by works, so that no one can boast.' I know I'm saved."

"Why," I asked him, "do you trust God for your salvation, but not for His other promises concerning your rights as a child of God?" I read from Romans 6 and reminded Randy that every believer has access to the mighty supernatural power of the risen Christ. The same Holy Spirit who inspired Ephesians 2:8?9 also inspired Romans 6. By faith we can claim that sin no longer controls us, and we can live in the power of the resurrection as the Word promises.

That day, God touched Randy's life. His spiritual eyes were opened, and he began, by faith, to live in accordance with his God-given heri-tage, to be "salt and light." As lighthouses for the Lord Jesus Christ, we are to do no less.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: You cannot live an abundant Christian life by yourself, but you can trust Jesus to live His supernatural resurrected life in and through you by faith through the enabling of the Holy Spirit.

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