Using Psalm 23 as Spiritual Affirmation


Spiritual affirmations are positive, statements of intention, that facilitate manifestation. This particular Biblical Psalm used as spiritual affirmation both protects us and connects us with our Higher Faith, and therefore our Higher Destiny. It has been traditionally recited for thousands of years when one desires attaining a calm certainty during life's challenging transitions.

To receive the greatest benefit, we allow a few minutes to calm ourselves down, centering ourselves and creating our own sacred space, before the recitation of the following affirmation.

Psalm 23 - Psalm of David

Traditional Translation

"The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His Name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me."

Spiritual Translation when used as Affirmation:

"My Higher Power shepherds me.

In Its guidance and protection, I lack nothing.

In my place of rest among the green meadows, I find inner peace and tranquility.

I receive my guidance emanating from the still waters within.

My soul restoring itself, the cares of yesterday flow out with ease and all the burdens with them.

Releasing me unto the paths of righteousness (right-use-ness), I am aligned with, and guided by, the Higher Essence.

Even when I do walk in the valley of darkness and uncertainty, I fear no evil, for You my Source are always with me."

We then conclude with the following:

I am aligned with the ancient message of this above Psalm. It is my belief. This governs my thinking today. Nothing can stop my Highest Good from coming to me, for my mind is rested in G-d. Peace fills my whole being. There is nothing to fear, for G-d is all there really is. I claim this Presence as my own. I trust in Its guidance and direction. All is well and all is good. I give thanks for another Great Day.

Copyright 2003 by Michael Ozair, Los Angeles, CA. Prepared in collaboration with Please distribute freely for non-commercial purposes.

Rabbi Michael Ozair is a spiritual life coach, Kabbalah teacher, counselor and available for consultantion. He can be reached at or by visiting his site at

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