FTC Botches Fight on SPAM, Microsoft Takes Over the Battle

While the Federal Trade Commission is busy fighting over definitions of "What is SPAM;" Microsoft and Bill Gates are taking it to the enemy. Today Microsoft announced another case and legal action, which is being taken against a spammer who is in Germany. Microsoft did not announce the name of the company it has filed suit against but it is based in North Rhine-Westphalia.

The company is alledged to have sent millions of SPAM emails advertising various things including web design companies, porn and online casinos. You probably have even had to delete a few of them yourself recently. Many Hotmail email addresses received these SPAMs and the company was able to fool the SPAM blockers set up by Microsoft. The Westphalia firm denied charges and said it was one of his partners, not him? The company ran a network out of the Ukraine said Microsoft on the Belyfish and stated: "In the context of these offers the deplored one offers at present US dollar also 750 to million E-Mail addresses for $499.00"

Not only did it send these SPAM emails it was actively recruiting more customers and clients to do the same for them. Thank you Microsoft; what is up with the FTC these days? Definitions? Think about it?

"Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs

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