What You Did Wrong With Your Domain Names!

Trying to improve search engine rankings is just like a rubics cube. A puzzle that can keep you occupied for hours. How many times have you heard "They keep changing the rules?," and the frustrating part is...they don't even tell you what the rules are in the first place!

It's a proven fact, in trying to improve search engine rankings, that growing your site thru link popularity, by slowly acquiring incoming quality links, adding small amounts of fresh relevant content on a regular basis, using proper keyword density and placement, along with making your site "sticky" so your visitor's stay longer.

But now, there's something else that you have to know about! (and this is a big but!)

Google is starting to weigh in heavy on domain names. Not what your domain is, or how long you've had it. Google wants to know how long you plan on keeping it, as in, how long is it registered for!

They've begun NOT giving as much consideration to domains registered for just a year, thinking they might be spammers, making a quick hit and then they're out of here. If they see you're registered for 5 years, then you must be a serious business that has planned on being around for quite a long time.

I live about a five iron outside of DC and made my living on the radio. Helen Thomas, one of the all-time great White House correspondents, would always be chosen by President Reagan to ask questions at press conferences. Here's why:..She found out that the President had a fondness for the color red. So, Helen started wearing a red blazer to press conferences and he would always pick her out of a press room packed with other reporters.

So, in other words... put a red blazer on your web site, drop 50 bucks registering your domain name for several years and show Google, along with other search engines, you are serious about sticking around and wanting to improve search engine rankings.

Mark Kessler is the author of "Search Engine Tantra - The Path To Heightened Rankings!" A 7 part FREE mini-course. His web site, http://www.toptenoptimizer.com provides a wealth of information and resources to increase link popularity and improve search engine rankings.

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