The Smart Way To Get Listed On Google!

So you want to get listed on Google? And you want a GOOD listing on Google? "But my website is not popular and is too new to be noticed by Google," you say?

Well, I have a solution to your problem.

There are couple ways to get listed on Google. First, there's the wrong way. Or should I say the way that takes an extra long time, which also happens to be the way that's not as popular with Google. In other words, it's the way that might get you listed but NOT anywhere large amounts of people will see it. So, I see that method as useless.

Google has a place for you to add your URL for your site to be placed in que for crawling. It's at

I haven't known anyone to get great results by using this one method. This is because of the mechanics involved with what follows after. You add your site URL in the cute little box, your site URL is then placed in line for the GoogleBot to crawl. At this point in time, your site will probably be behind millions of other pages. There is much room for things to happen and your site NOT get crawled by the GoogleBot. And even if it gets crawled, it's not for sure that Google will even indexed the site to begin with. And if it does index your site, there's no telling where it will end up. Probably NOT on the first three pages of search results, which is virtually useless.

Let's now talk about the RIGHT way to be indexed by Google.

The best way to get indexed by Google, which is also the preferred way according to their algorithms, is for them to crawl another site first. When The GoogleBot crawls another site and finds your link within that site, it then follows that link to your site.

This is the way you get popular with Google, or work your way up toward the top of the search results. So in order to get good results with Google, you need links at other sites pointing toward you. In order to get even better results with Google, you need to either increase the sites that link back to you to an astronomical amount, or have less links pointing toward you, but from more popular sites.

So if you could somehow get a link pointing to you, say from, that one link would be equivalent to more than a couple dozen links pointing toward you from separate, less popular sites. If you could manage to get a dozen or so larger sites to link toward you, this would be equivalent to perhaps thousands of sites linking to you, that are less popular. Google likes that. Google promotes you up the search ladder for accomplishing that.

So how you get these larger sites to link to you?

I'll tell you right now. You can't email Jeff Bezos or Bill Gates and ask to exchange links. That's insane and practically impossible. But there's an easier way.

First, go to discussion sites and forums and participate in relevant discussions. Simply place a hyperlink pointing back to you in your signature. I must mention here that you should not go to discussion sites and forums and simply add your link and say "Go here!" That won't work and will get the forum moderator angry. It's also a good way to get blacklisted. You need to participate in discussions that are relevant to the board and important to all reading the board. If you do this no one minds if you include your hyperlink within your signature.

Another way to establish links back to you on the Internet is to write quality articles about subjects that are interesting to your target market. Again, you need to try and create quality content within your articles. Readers, and especially editors, can spot writers trying to receive free publicity a mile away.

It doesn't take much extra effort to do a little research, come to your own conclusions, perhaps solve a problem, and record your results on paper. Perhaps you could write down the steps you took to research a subject or solve a problem. When you provide quality content that is interesting and helpful to your readers, you can place your name and a hyperlink to your web site at the end of the article. This is standard procedure.

At this point let's remind ourselves why we're doing all this. It's to solve the problem of how you're going to get bigger and more popular websites to link to your website.

Now, keep writing articles. As you write more and more articles, you will get better. As you get better, more editors will pick up your articles and include them at their sites. As more of your articles are included, you'll establish more links pointing back to you through the resource box. As you establish more links pointing back to your site, you will solve the problem that we established at the beginning of this article.

I've created an e-book special report that goes into more depth of what we've just covered. It's titled "Get Listed On Google Fast - Through The Back Door!" I've provided it for you at my web site for free. This useful e-book includes links and tools you need to begin from square one on how to establish yourself on Google. The e-book also contains relevant links to discussion boards and forums that you can post to and participate within discussions if your web site is business based or home business based.

About The Author:
William Riopelle is an online computer consultant. His popular eBook "Get Listed On Google Fast!" provides more information on Google tips. It can be downloaded FREE at:

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