Submit Your Website to Search Engines

Some search engine submissions are free and some pay for this benefit but before I get into it I would like to place a little word of warning.

There will be some places that will offer to submit your website to hundreds or even thousands of search engines for free. Avoid these at all costs! I know I know they are tempting, thoughts stray to "woohoooo now I can do it in one push of the button".

Problem is this, when you submit your website to these programs they use a script to send out your url and most search engines these days have equipment in place to pick up when these scripts send your url to them. It's considered spam and once the search engines put your website in their "spam" pile they won't add your website, possibly never!

The best way is to submit your website to search engines manually yourself. Here are a few websites to get you started that you can submit to for free:

You can also pay someone to manually submit your website to search engines, but don't expect this to be cheap. If someone is offering to do it for $30 - $50 I would recommend avoiding it, chances are they're using a script to submit it.

For proper submission and search engine optimization you are generally looking at paying around $600 - $1,000 to get someone to do this for you.

To get listed in yahoo it usually costs around $300 for businesses. Yahoo will list personal sites that aren't business related for free.

© Joanne King -

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