How to Get One Way Backlinks

Don't be fooled into believing that all backlinks are created equal because their not! Why, you may ask? It's no secret that many webmasters trade links left, and right, for the benefit of a higher ranking in the search results, but search engines have caught on to this technique, and are very aware that this is major threat to the relevance of the search results.

Search engines such as Google have took steps in an effort to prevent this from becoming major problem by placing more importance on one way backlinks. So, how do you get one way backlinks to your web site? Well, there are number of ways to go about this, but the most effective techniques are listed below.

1) Having a useful, and valuable web site, especially if your web site is free, (Such as providing articles, tools, games, and software.) will cause other web sites to link to your web site. Why? Because by linking to useful, and unique web sites offer value to their own web site's visitors, and therefor increases their own value. This one can take while to really pay off because like all new web sites, you won't get much traffic.

2) Getting listed in directories, especially related ones, won't only bring you tons of traffic, but will also improve your search engine ranking. The two most important directories to get listed in are the ODP (Otherwise known DMOZ), and Yahoo's directory. You can also find directories that are related to your web site by searching with your favorite search engine with your keyword, and adding at the end resource or directory.

3) Writing articles, and submitting them to Ezines, and article directories, which are than picked up by webmasters looking to add content to their own web site, which will get you tons of one way backlinks. You can also find web sites that are related to yours, and ask them to publish your articles. When writing these articles make sure they are related to your web site, so that the link will appear more relevant to your web site's theme to the search engines.

4) Write a unique testimonial for products, or services, and put a link to your URL in it. Many webmasters will accept the deal because this will cause more visitors to buy their products, or services. If they decide to publish your testimonial you'll get a free backlink to your web site. Before you write the testimonial make sure you understand the product.

5) Participate in forums that are related to your web site's subject, which also allow you to link to your web site in the signature, make sure to read the rules first though. They will send you visitors that are interested in your web site, and will provide a related backlink to your web site.

6) Anytime you first start a web site, add a new product or service to your web site write a press release about it. Submit your press releases to news sites such as PRWeb. Make sure that the press release is attention grabbing, and unique, this will make other webmasters add the press release to their web site.

Matt Colyer began as a SEO Specialist in 1997. He founded Superior Webmaster in 2004 as a source of articles and tutorials for Web site owners looking to improve their Web site.

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