Why and How You are Caught Up?

Speed Up the Evolution!

1. Check the area where you are making greatest efforts. Slow down mentally. TEST: without holding, if it remains with you, it means it is yours or otherwise it was never meant to be. It applies to your relationship or anything else that you want in your life. Learn to live with or without anything in particular and you will find supreme detachment and creative involvement.

In that capacity, you have tremendous influence and dignity to create whatever you want effortlessly. Detachment or creative involvement can come easily when you grab this principal. All the ideas of attachment are generated out of the sense of self deficiency. When you let go of your attachments to all the cherished ideas and ideals, whatever is needed floats around you effortlessly. Focus and flow with something loosely. A particular thing would arrive in your life when attachment for the same is gone. Attachments are your springboard where you are splashing out your life energies. Flow is a meter which reflects harmony. Attachment is an illusion saying that something is more important which your won self which is not.

2. Let go as deeply as possible. All the ways are flowing towards a greater good/design but your vision has been muddied because of narrow conceptual ideas. A man of vision have the capacity to see a greater design where as a shallow person is caught up in his own ideas and petty concerns of life.

3. Everyday you can exercise unloading some conceptual garbage which you have been carrying and hanging around.

4. When you can live with or without anything in particular, you are living at home which is your own self. You can rest here and now as deeply as you want, as much time as you want.

5. You influence and create all the reality around you but can not see the connection because of lack of awareness. All the attachment is fear. Have the courage to be alone without anything in particular and you remain loving free of neurosis.

6. Creative power lies in the state of supreme detachment.

7. Avoid all the extremism which is nothing but fear in some or other form, upon its practice; you will have supreme power of view/discrimination. Every loss of balance causes you your vital energy and suspends the quantum leap of evolution.

Author: Santosh Kunte ? Mumbai India. An avid reader of the spiritual knowledge, engineering graduate and executive. Loves reading meditation and sharing. You can reach me for your valuable feedback or you can reach me for your problems of finance, relationship etc. by dropping an e-mail to me on sskunte2@rediffmail.com

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