The Dangers of Harry Potter

The Harry Potter book has just been released in the bookstores this week. This book is the sixth book in a planned series of 7 books.

I'm sure you have all heard that these books have been a huge success and there are millions of kids throughout the world hooked on these books as well as quite a few adults themselves. The publishing industry has never seen anything quite like this. What is the fascination with these books and now the movie? Why are so many children and some adults drawn to these books?

There have always been movies and fiction books on witchcraft, wizardry and sorcery - but none of them have ever obtained the popularity that this series of books has. What is so different with this line of books? Why are they so much more popular than anything else that has ever been written?

Many of the major Christian ministries are up in major arms about these books and now the movie. They say these books are a lure to lead children and adults into witchcraft and the other dark occult arts.

However, we have always had these types of movies and books coming at us. Why all of a sudden are so many Christians coming out against these books where they have really not done this in the past with all of the fantasy movies Hollywood has come out with in the past.

I've always felt in my spirit that there really was something different with these series of books - but I never bought or read any of them. I went ahead and rented the very first Harry Potter video and watched it in its complete entirety to see if these Christians were right in their criticism of this movie and these books or if they were just getting too carried away on what at first glance just seems to be harmless fantasy entertainment.

After watching and reviewing this movie very carefully, it is my personal opinion that the Christians who are up in arms over these books and movie are right! This movie, and especially the series of books themselves, is a definite lure from the dark side to entice and trap people into not only witchcraft itself - but other occult arts, which are expressly forbidden by God the Father in the Bible.

There is no question that Satan is the one orchestrating the way that these books have been written up and how they have been so cleverly marketed to a mass audience who have no idea what is really lurking behind all of it. Satan has very cleverly put a major spiritual secret in these books and movies that is in operation in the spiritual realm that will draw some of the more ignorant and naive into the real world of witchcraft.

That spiritual secret is the law of seeking. The Bible tells us to seek - and then we will find. This spirtual principle not only works in God's realm - but it also works in the realm of Satan where he and his demons roam seeking next who they can devour.

And Harry Potter is coincidentally given the official title of a seeker in the very first book. And what is a seeker going to find if he starts to research the subject of witchcraft and sorcery after reading these kinds of books and having the seeds of desire implanted in them as a result of reading these kind of books? Hundreds and hundreds of books on the subject of witchcraft - all with specific titles on how to actually become a witch, how to form out a coven, how to actually cast spells, etc.

Go to any major Borders book store - and you will literally see several hundreds of books in their metaphysical section - all dealing specifically with the subject of witchcraft and how to get started and progress further into it. And once that person decides he is going to try out some of this occult activity - he has now officially crossed over into enemy terrority and he has now given the demonic realm full legal right to come into him and his life.

And all of this can be started by just a few seeds of desire that can planted into someone by just imagining and fantasizing what it would be like if they could obtain the kind of supernatural power that Harry Potter has in all of these books. And with many of the readers of this line of books being our younger children - it doesn't take much to see what a deadly combination this could be for a very young, innocent and highly suggestible mind.

All Christians, especially Christians who have younger children who are wanting to read and really get into these books, should be warned about the spiritual trap that is being laid with these books.

Article written by Michael Bradley of Bible Knowledge Ministries. Their website is a resource of Bible knowledge commentary and teaching. They currently have over 100 in depth Bible articles. All free of charge. You can sign up for their free newsletter which will alert you of new articles, which are being added on a weekly basis.
The full article can be found at Harry Potter and the Bible

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