Aging Gracefully Through Vastu Shastra

Aging is inevitable, but its most negative effects can be minimized and turned into a graceful progression. Exercise and proper diet are key factors. But, when your living or working environment is in harmony with nature, it has a positive influence on your well being, slowing the aging process.

In nature, all five elements (earth, water, fire, air and space) are in perfect symmetry. As a building is erected, that equilibrium is disrupted. Vastu Shastra is an ancient architectural science that balances the five elements and supports stress free living or working spaces. As an integral part of this earth, we live in a sea of electromagnetic and stellar influences. Every particle of energy is linked to the next particle. Every shift occurring in this atmosphere has the potential to affect our lives and actions. According to Vastu Shastra, the sun produces different qualities of energy on its path from east to west and can influence our existence.

Each of the five elements is associated with a compass point and each point has a specific impact on our health. Different aspects of positive aging are optimally supported by a specific direction. Aging is also affected by environmental stress, which is the cause of most human disease

The earth is a magnetic force and is composed of the five elements, as is our brain. The thalamus is the relay center for all sensory and motor skills in the brain. Neurological research has shown that the firing patterns of neurons in the thalamus function differently depending on which direction one is facing. Our mind is then the interactive result of the affect of the magnetic field on our brain cells. By placing our bodies and environments in alignment with the magnetic axis, we can think and act more compatibly with nature. Our actions will be more attuned to the five elements, much like swimming with the stream as opposed to swimming against it. For example, studies have shown that sleeping with ones head to the south or east puts one in accord with the powerful forces of nature.

The northeast area of your residence is associated with the water element. This direction is the source of favorable magnetic energy from the north and positive solar energy from the east. Our residence needs to be very open in the northeast to receive these benefits. The northeast influences growth of the physical body. The northeast is good for home entrances. If this region has proper Vastu Shastra, good health will be supported. If there is a kitchen, clutter, a toilet, heating system or blockage in the northeast the water element will be decreased which will cause congestion.

The southeast area of your residence coincides with the fire element. The southeast influences the energy required for good health. Kitchens, heating and electrical systems work well in the southeast. If this area is in accordance with Vastu Shastra health will be better. If there is a cut or blockage, there will be a lack of energy and health will suffer.

The southwest area of your residence is aligned with the earth element. The southwest contributes to the strength of your body. If your bed is in the south, or southwest area of your residence with your head to the south or east, you will be vigorous. If there is a cut, toilet or heating source, there will be some health and back problems.

The northwest area of your residence is linked with the air element. The northwest influences mental stability. Toilets and guest bedrooms work well in the northwest. If there is a cut or blockage there will be mental instability, stomach problems and an inability to learn effectively. The central area of a residence is related with the space element. When this area is open there will be good emotional health. If there is clutter, toilets, a kitchen or no open space in the center of a home or office emotional imbalance can take place.

Unfortunately most modern architecture is based on function alone and is not designed to obey the forces of nature; sun, wind, water, climate and the planets. All ingredients of good health are enhanced when all areas of a residence are carefully positioned according to Vastu Shastra. When our environment is aligned with nature we gain its divine support, and our desire for health, wealth and happiness is manifested. We realize we are connected to every living thing and our willingness to harm that connection diminishes. However, when our environments are designed to conquer nature, we will feel the burden of stress, which contributes to unnecessary symptoms of aging.

About The Author

Michael and Robin Mastro's synergistic approach successfully assists people in living in peace and harmony with themselves and others, and in creating balanced lives filled with unlimited possibilities. Visit us at

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