Plants, Herbs, And Roots For Love

In the column Plants, Herbs and Roots For Prosperity, I explain in detail how to practically use a plant material to attract things to you, so refer to that if you have never used plant matter in magic before.

In brief, the main methods of using plant material to draw love are: carrying the substance on your person in a locket or a sachet, boiling the herb and sprinkling the residual water around your residence, putting a sprig of it under your bed or in your pillow and burning it as incense. Also with love attracting, just keeping the living plant in your house can help increase your vibrations. Some flowers can also be dropped in a bath.

Here is a list of common plants, herbs and roots used in love magic with some tips about how to use them:

Apple Blossoms: One of the simplest love attracting spells involves dropping these pretty blossoms in your bath. It is said to make others thing that you are more attractive than you are! Apple blossoms are also said to increase fertility. Carrying the blossoms on your person increases popularity, flirtation and invitations.

Althea Root: Sometimes also known as Marshmallow Root this herb is known as the persuasion herb, this can be carried in a locket or sachet on your person. Traditionally, though, it is burned on charcoal with Apple and Rose blossoms to invite a proposal of marriage.

Balm of Gilead: This energizing and protective herb is carried on the person or burned as incense to keep a lover attracted and faithful.

Bayberry: Bayberry is used a commercial oil. It is bought by men and worn on the pulses to attract women.

Bay: The leaves, which represent "the glory of love" are put in a bath and used to attract a soul mate. They can also be carried on the person for the same person.

Black Snakeroot: This is traditionally burned on charcoal or concealed on the person of a man to arouse a woman's lust. It is the most commonly used ingredient in Adam and Eve love spells.

Caraway Seeds: Carried on the person to increase lust in another. Place on your lover's person they are said to stop infidelity.

Cardamom: Sprinkled as a spice on food or tucked in a sachet under the bed to arouse a lover. It is known as a compelling herb.

Cinnamon: Used in love sachets and sprinkled under the sheets of the bed to increase passion between two people. It is also burned as incense to speed things up in a love affair.

Coriander: Carried on the person, sprinkled under the sheets or used in food recipes to deepen and strengthen an existing love relationship.

Cumin: Used in recipes or sprinkled around the bed to keep a lover faithful to you.

Deerstongue: Used to attract another of the same sex. Usually is carried on the person in a locket or a sachet.

Dill: Sprinkled about the home to protect and strengthen an existing love.

Elecampane: Carried on the person as a love charm to attract a soul mate.

Frangipani: Can be bought as an oil or commercial incense. The flowers are used to gain the confidence or trust of a person that you desire. Mildly compelling.

Ginger: Used to arouse a reluctant lover or cure impotence. Typically sprinkled under the sheets. When added to other love drawing herbs it is said to accelerate desired results.

Hazel: Two twigs bound with a red ribbon is said to reconcile estranged lovers.

Jasmine: Can be bought as incense, oil or perfume. The flowers are rare, but if you can find them they are sprinkled on the bed or stuffed in a pillow to ensure a successful seduction.

Lavender: Kept as a plant in the home or stuffed inside a pillow, this sweet smelling herb is thought to straighten out marital problems and ensure fidelity.

Orange Blossoms: Used as oil, perfume, as a plant or in a sachet to attract a marriage proposal.

Myrtle: A sprig of myrtle kept in the bedroom, on a mirror or hung above the bed is said to increase fertility.

Poppy Seeds: Stuffed in a lover's pillow, these are thought to make him dream of you.

Rosemary: Used in every way, ingested, as incense, as oil and in a sachet, to bind two people together in a gentle loving manner.

Sweet Pea: An attraction flower. The plant is kept in the garden to attract friends and lovers. Bathing in the flowers is thought to increase popularity.

Vanilla pods: Tucked under the bed, these are thought to lower another's inhibitions. Carried on the person, vanilla's vibration is thought to cause others to find you're seductive. Can be bought commercially as perfume, incense and oil.

Samantha Steven's articles have been published in many high-standing newspapers and she has published several books. If you wish to buy Samantha's books about metaphysics click here 10 You can meet Samantha Stevens at where she works as a professional psychic. You can also read more of her articles at

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