What to Look for in a Real Estate Agent

Real Estate Agents play an essential, critical role in the process of buying and selling a home. You just simply cannot afford to work with an agent that does not exhibit top-scale professional values. We're talking about your primary investment, and the happiness of you and your loved ones.

Here are the 3, most important things that I've encountered, that I believe contribute towards excellence in the profession of Real Estate agents.

1. To Serve

2. To Know

3. To Listen

1. To Serve:

Real Estate is a service business, and homeowners and buyers must be treated with the respect that they deserve. A Real Estate Agent must demonstrate that they care about you, and that their primary concern is to serve your needs, and not their own.

a) Look for agents that carry cell phones everywhere they go, and that have no problem taking late night calls, or being interrupted during a Saturday morning snooze. This isn't a rib of steak you're buying (or selling). It is more important than everything and anything, and it can be a stressful, anxious process to go through. Customers deserve a confidant, and to be treated with the utmost of care.

b) Avoid agents that think they know everything. Seek out agents yearning to find out about you, and your likes, dislikes, and opinions. Avoid agents hail-bent on trying to prove what an encyclopedia of wisdom and advice they are. You're thoughts matter too!

c) Your time is important. If you want to see 20 properties or more, don't let anyone stop you. A Real Estate agent that encourages you to look, and explore, is more worthy of your time, than an agent that tries to fit you into their busy schedule. This is your buying experience, not theirs.

2. To Know:

I believe that knowledge is gained through familiarity. So, having a real estate agent that is familiar with the landscape of the land is of critical importance.

a) I like agents that have lived in the area for a while, that know all the names of the streets, and that know the high schools, the local grocery stores, and the local parks.

b) I enjoy listening to an agent's own personal experiences, as we drive through neighborhoods, or review demographics. It's not as important to me that they're old, or young, or rich, or hungry, or just like me, or nothing like me, or whatever. As long as the stories are real, and are related, that's all that matters.

c) I think an agent needs to be always on. Do they have access to all the information at all times? Do they constantly look for new properties, or new values, and do they have networked connections locally to appraisers, and loan officers, and title companies? Are they always thinking about my circumstance, and trying to connect the dots in my interest? I don't want to be sold on decisions that earn commissions. I want to be guided to properties and professionals that best meet my needs.

3. To Listen:

There is no greater communication skill, then the ability to listen. Most of us find it next to impossible, to be silent, and take it all in. We all strive to be the center of attention, the story of the day, and the opinion worth listening to.

a) Real Estate agents that master the art of listening can truly hone in on your needs. These are the agents worth keeping in your rolodex, because they can tune in to your desires, your personality, your financial profile, and all critical elements of the deal, without your even being aware of it.

b) This is not so easy to spot, because often times, the ability to listen is overlooked. A good listener, after all, probably isn't speaking as much. But consider this: Is the conversation mostly about you? Does the agent ask a lot of questions relating to your personal tastes, experiences, and ideas? Do you find yourself walking away, feeling a satisfaction about the dialog? These are all signs that you've just come into contact with a master listener.

c) And the real testament to an agent that listens, is when they finally do speak. Usually, when they do say something, it's really, really important, and right on target, and completely unforgettable. Why? Because, they've spent most of their time absorbing you and your situation, and then they nail you with the bomb?Their recommendations that truly will change your life forever. I swear to you, it's golden. You'll get a much better property bought or sold, if you can find a real estate agent that knows how to listen.

We've enjoyed providing this information to you, and we wish you the best of luck in your pursuits. Remember to always seek out good advice from those you trust, and never turn your back on your own common sense.

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Disclaimer: Statements and opinions expressed in the articles, reviews and other materials herein are those of the authors. While every care has been taken in the compilation of this information and every attempt made to present up-to-date and accurate information, we cannot guarantee that inaccuracies will not occur. The author will not be held responsible for any claim, loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of any information within these pages or any information accessed through this site.

Copyright 2005, by http://www.Loans-Resource.Com, This article is available in full format at: Real Estate Agent, Tom Levine provides a solid, common sense approach to solving problems and answering questions relating to consumer loan products. His website seeks to provide free online resources for the consumer, including rate-watch, tips and articles, financial communication, news, and links to products and services.

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