How To Make Time For Public Relations

"Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michalangelo, Mother Theresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein."

H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Okay, Let me be frank.

Marketing is the life blood of any business. For some reason, business people make such a big deal about investing the needed time.

True, when you are so busy working in your business, it can be frustrating to find the "winning combination(s).

However, once you find the winning combinations, marketing transforms from "Frustration" into "Joy"!

If for some reason you can't seem to find the "Winning Combination" on your own, then you should consider retaining a professional PR Agency, to help you "get the word out"


Take time to work,

it is the price of success.

Take time to think,

it is the source of power.

Take time to play,

it is the secret of perpetual youth.

Take time to read,

it is the fountain of wisdom.

Take time to be friendly,

it is the road to happiness.

Take time to love and be loved,

it is the privilege of the gods.

Take time to share,

life is too short to be selfish.

Take time to laugh,

laughter is the mask of the soul.

Irish Prayer

Joe Nicassio designs marketing campaigns, and coaches entrepreneurs to improve their bottom-line profits. To get your free CD "Joe Nicassio Reveals Marketing Philosophies And Secrets That Advertiser Don't Want You To Know" Send your snail mail address to

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