The Language of Confidence

The language we use programs our brains. Mastering our language gives us a great degree of mastery over our lives and our destinies. It is important to use language in the best way possible in order to dramatically improve your quality of life.

Even the smallest of words can have the deepest effect on our sub-conscious mind. It is like a child, it doesn't really understand the difference between what really happens and what you imagine. It is eager to please and willing to carry out any commands that you give it ? whether you do this knowingly or not is entirely up to you.


It is a small word yet it has an amazing impact upon us. If someone says, "I'll try to do that" you know that they are not going to be putting their whole heart in to it, and may not even do it at all. How often do you use the word try when talking about the things that matter to you? Do you say "I'll try to be more confident" or "I'll try to do that" or "I'll try to call"?

Think about something that you would like to achieve, and say it to yourself in two different ways. Firstly say, "I'll try to ?" and notice how you feel. Next say "I will do ?" and see how you feel.

The latter made you feel better than the first one didn't it? It gives you a sense of determination; a feeling that it will be done. Listen to the people around you and when they say they will try notice if it gets done or not. Eliminate the word try from your dictionary and see how your life improves.


This is another small word with big impact. It dis-empowers us, makes us feel week and helpless, and damages our self-esteem. It limits our infinite abilities and stifles creativity. Rub it out from your internal dictionary and replace it with something that makes you feel great.

Instead of saying you can't, why not say something like "I choose ?" or "I choose not to ?". Using words like this allows you to take back your power and to be in control of your life.

Words may appear small and insignificant, yet they can have a deep and lasting effect on us. Mastering your language gives you the power to live whatever life you desire.

What words do you use a lot that dis-empower you? Make a list of words you commonly use and then write next to them some alternatives you can use. Make these alternatives words that make you feel fabulous, not only about yourself, but about life and what you are doing!

Create the confident life you desire through the Creating Confidence Audio CD at

Jason is a personal coach, dedicated to achieving success for his clients. He products a wide variety of audio programs and courses on everything from weight to confidence to abundance to past lives. Visit his website,, for more information and to discover how he can help you live the life of your dreams.

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