Fear, Controversy and Chaos in the Media

Most modern day media stories containing fear, controversy and chaos is really all contrived Bull, but it is interesting how well it works to control the masses and motivate people to do things. Those in power like to use fear, as it helps me solve problems and helps them maintain their positions. Yet as we have seen with modern governmental controls, no one really wants to solve anything. It would serve them no purpose for the status quo leadership having achieved theirs and wanting to hold onto that achievement without continued effort.

If all the problems such as energy issues, wars, economics, distribution, health were solved, well you would not need any politicians. No-one really wants to solve anything. So who is no-one? Those amongst us are no-one, so why do you care what no-one thinks when no-one even cares themselves? It is sound and fury signifying very little. Fun to watch and observe. It is the cycles of civilization through mankind's follies to control rather than cooperate to the common good. Actually in today's civilization there is nothing which is perfect and nothing really work that well.

Yes nothing is ever well and fine for long, things are in a state of flux and always changing for it is the only constant; Change. This is what a writer often is so perhaps I am 'Change,' an apparatus of change through free will. Change is good not bad. There is opportunity in Chaos and therefore people, which are opportunists create chaos to advance their selves and thru their greed attempt to achieve more during their stay here on Earth, such is human nature. If we are all of the same; that is the rank and file and the leadership then we all have the innate greed factor then we should not be surprised if those who are in power are trying to maintain civilization, yet simultaneously cause events to help their power base, money or other innate things they desire? Why would we expect anything less? Silly for us to think that this politician or that one suddenly loses all their innate characteristics simply because they have been chosen in an election; therefore it behooves those in power to play the media to get them to stir up the controversy and chaos needed, just enough to keep the natives restless, but not enough to crash the civilization into anarchy. Fear, Controversy and Chaos in the Media; you don't actually believe all that bull crap; do you? Think about it.

"Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs

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