The Keltoi

The CIA's motto is "You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." That is hard to swallow to say the least.

The Fatimids and the Assassins seem to have made deals at the upper echelon of their society with many of their supposed enemies. The same was true of the Farsi and Pharisee lot who were highly regarded throughout the Roman and Parthian Empires before the Crusades. In the crusades they made their deals with the Knights and earlier times saw them dealing with Pythagoreans or a more direct relationship with the BEES or Berbers of the Stuart continuum from Mil or Mile, whenever and if ever he actually existed. That would go all the way back to 20,000 years ago according to Niven Sinclair who is one of their historians. Even at the start of the First World War the gentry of opposing sides still conducted soirees and other parties with each other. It has been such fun for them ? I guess. You hear how the plebs are cannon and sword fodder throughout history and it seems we are when war is not happening as well.

The Kelts had free medicine for the poor and an educational system that lasted for 25 years. They were dangerous and had to be eliminated! They fought for Ariadne on Crete and others before her. They are the Hyksos ('foreigners') of Phoenician Sea People. They are the people who were eradicated on Easter Island and New Zealand under the watchful eye of a Romano-British plot that needs to be exposed! Even the bounty on the Beothuk is connected to this horror show that history has covered up for far too many years. If I sound upset, you can assume I have red hair like my nieces and nephews. I'm tired of war! How about you? Ogham was their language and the Britannica echoes the words of academics who deny it exists all over America by calling it scrapes from farm implements or the like. Right! Let us begin to hear the truth before we actually believe anyone. If they can't tell us what they've done or why these things happen how can we TRUST? I don't believe in death but that doesn't mean I want humanity to end. If life is only counting score on the societal success ladder that allows such inhumane acts by insecure deviates then I don't believe in that kind of life, either. In my recent book The Worldwide Prehistoric Import of the GREAT LAKES!, I have included numerous other illustrations and cited the words of experts.

One such expert was Edward Lanning who wrote Peru Before the Incas. This Columbia University researcher who spent 20 years in the field brought me artifactual proof in Lima, which confirms the ancient drug trade and the token/coded handshake as well as a description of Kelts just like that of Caesar in the Gallic Wars. If any academic read Caesar's words of description regarding the Keltic fleet he met in Brittany, they would know the Kelts were in America a long time before Aristotle (or his student) said so in Strange Things Heard. These secrets and secret spying agencies have been our demise and they do not advantage us any as a whole society.

Certainly mankind has been the victim of far too many hoaxes and plots against the common good. That too must end! JFK was right to try to disband the CIA and Napoleon was not only an Emperor of France. Read why he wore the BEE symbol of the House of Mallia and the Merovingians. Then you'll understand what has been going on. I assure you the words of Julius Caesar (Written by Hirtius his propagandist.) were very prolific and well perused as well as being rather one-sided. What has happened to man throughout history is less a matter of chance than it has been a plan. That plan has not been what Teilhard de Chardin called for when he said we need - "A CONSPIRACY OF LOVE!" Things are not single disciplinary or purely historical or archaeologic; we need to integrate all knowledge and develop wisdom or common sense. If we don't become this informed as consumers, we are doomed. The Métis are likely remnants of Europeans who came to America through the millennium or two after Caesar and his kind subjugated freedom in Europe. They say:

"Principles of freedom included: The Coureurs de Bois above all cherished the principle of 'FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT'. The Indians had exposed these first Frenchmen to the Principle 'FREE TRADE'. The Indians also challenged the French Principle of 'One King, One Church' with a new DEMOCRATIC PROCESS. What did the fathers of the Métis see in the New World:"

This quote from is well worth considering as we go forward to meet the challenges of space and a universe where people are not limited any more than the God that exists within all lifeforms. And when we are certain about what lies off the coast of Cuba at the 2200' depth under the Gulf of Mexico will anyone take notice that each of us needs to re-evaluate all the laws and morals we accept from those 'experts' who are often quite wrong. Just ask quantum physicists about how much flak truth can generate!

Author of Diverse Druids, Columnist for The ES Press Magazine, Guest writer at

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