Your Purrrfect Companion

Out of all the pet animals, the cat is most expressive about its needs. The feline loves to be pampered and cared for. Don't you just love the pretty pussy pictures they make? They can also become 'sulkily aggressive' at times. Understanding their feelings and needs is not at all difficult.

Just like your body language, behavior, and words give away your intentions and feelings, similarly, your pets also communicate through their bodies, and noises they make. As a pet owner, it is important for you to understand the signs, scents, and body language of your pet. Other than those, the visual information is also very important for understanding what your pet wants to communicate.

No longer "The Mystery Cat"

The cat language can be understood by your cat's postures. Cats can be lazy and furtive at the same time. Its arched back depicts the no-nonsense attitude where you need to be careful! There are various other postures like its lying on its side, and lying down with tucked paws. The former is the relaxed state, and you need to careful about the latter. It makes evident that your little pet is definitely up to some nuisance.

When a cat feels sleepy, like most human beings and animals, it adopts the fetal position.

Purrs, Sounds, and Noises

Your cat's purr in various pitches can foretell the things in store for you. For cats, you-the owner is like family. They look up to you as bigger cats. Outsiders are like prospective predators and they are considered threatening. So, if your cat comes across a new face, please make sure they are at a safe distance from each other.

If you make a loud noise, your little companion might hide away somewhere out of fear. They love to spend quieter moments. They show their affection by purring politely at you. The cats love to hear female voices, as they are more attractive. Half-mews, "Prrrh" and trills friendly greetings when you are also welcomed with a little 'fluffy' rub.

Your cat needs attention or food when its mews are shorter vowel sounds. The sounds without vowels can either be questions or greetings. At that instant you need to look at its facial expressions to gauge what is in your love's mind. Sounds like 'Mrrrheor' or 'Ree-orh' are made to seek your attention.

Sweet Emotions

Your pet recognizes your touch and loves it. Patting your cat's head for a sweet 'hello' can make him/her feel on top of the world. This strengthens your bond with your furry friend and enhances trust. Touching noses increases the level of intimacy and love at both ends.

The 'Cat' and Tail of it?

A cat's tail is the best way to gauge its emotions. A low tail indicates that the cat is not too sure of its environment and is ready for any happening, whereas, an upright tail suggests its confidence and alertness. A lashing tail expresses pending aggression.

Your cat can become dangerous when its hair fluffs out. This is where it means, "Do not mess with me". You'll be able to make out if your pet has been engrossed in some violent sessions with its other 'friends' when its hair is all out of place and makes noises like it is crying.

Your cat's flattened ears show fear or threat. When its ears are facing forward, it shows that it is paying attention.

But, other than these indicators, you need to read your 'purrfect' companion's face and eyes to understand its emotions and what it is thinking.

Author's Bio:
Mary Majorda of California has lived along with kittens since as long as she can remember. She got her 1st kitten at the age of 2 as a birthday gift from her dad and since then she hasn't parted from cats and kittens. Besides having a family of a husband, 2 kids and 4 kittens, her love for them has pursued her to become a vet. Get Kitten Pictures from

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