Horse Training Creativeness: The 5th Of 6 Keys To Developing A Partnership With Your Horse

The 6 Keys To Building A Life Long Partnership With Your Horse.

Today I am going to ask you to think about being creative when playing with your horse.

I would like you to remember that when I use terms such as horse training and natural horsemanship I am actually referring to playing with your horse.

Of the 6 keys, the two most difficult to grasp are mind-set (attitude) and creativeness (imagination). Of these two creativeness is the most difficult. This is where you need to work on your self and play with your hose. You need to ALLOW your creativeness to come through. Think about when you were a child, how active your imagination was, and how creative you were. As adults, we have forgotten how to use our imagination and creative powers. When playing with your horse it's important that you learn to use your imagination and be creative again.

You need to challenge your self and your horse. Don't be satisfied with mediocre results. As I have mentioned earlier, there are only six things a horse can do - move forward, backward, left, right, up and down, and there are a thousand challenges for each.

An example might be, moving your horse (forward) into horse trailer, not much of a challenge unless he hasn't been loaded in a trailer before, but let's say he hasand is good at loading forward, a greater challenge might be to load him by backing him in. Now you are challenging both you and your horse.

The next time you are out riding, look for all the challenges that are staring you right in the face. Let's say your horse won't cross a stream, but you work at this challenge until you get him to cross. Now what? How about getting him to side pass through the stream or even back through the stream. How many other creative ideas can you come up with? Great, now you' re using your imagination!

I think it's important to note that most people are generally looking for answers in a logical way. They want rules and regulations and apply them to horses. Things can change quickly when you're dealing with horses and a dogmatic approach is not the answer. You need to be flexible and change as the situation dictates.

In horse training or natural horsemanship there are no rules or regulations that fit all situations only goals and principles and adjustments you will need to make to fit the situation.

Once you have the knowledge about mindset, understanding, patients, approach and equipment, then you need to put in the time it takes to be successful. The last ingredient need, is to be creative, use your imagination to come up with adjustments to fit any situation you may be in with your horse.

Remember, things can change quickly when training your horse. Rather than training your horse to put up with your shortfalls, use the six keys.

Have fun with your horse(s)!


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In the next article, we will discuss the last of the 6 Keys Equipment? Having the proper equipment, understanding what it's for and how it's used is essential.

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