How To Toilet Train Your Cat

Tired of cleaning the cat box? Here are some tips on how to train your cat to use the toilet.

So, you're sick and tired of scooping poo from your cat's litter box, emptying the residual mess, and gagging from the whole process. Cat's can be trained to use a toilet. It is safe, clean, and effective. Some cats learn in a couple of weeks, while others will take up to six weeks to get the message.

But several things must be considered first.

What kind of cat person are you?

If you are indifferent to your cat, and consider it as a grudging necessity it is doubtful you have the patience and enough love to go through the rigorous toilet training process. However, if you perceive your cat to be an extended member of the family, a crucial part of your happiness, you have what it takes.

There are many types of cats. Is your cat a strictly outdoor feline? Is she a farm-cat, your husband's or wife's cat, your kids' cat? If so, then there is little point in toilet training it. She prefers doing her business in your flower garden, on the neighbor's lawn, or in the dirt. Cats are heavily into their preferences being the independent creatures they are.

However, if your cat lives in the house and her happiness lies with being with her human family, acts as if she owns the place, and the motor runs loudly when petted and loved, you are ahead of the game.

Toilet Training Step by Step

Okay?now you've decided to toilet train your cat. Let's get on with the business of how to do that.

The younger your Muffy or Scooter is, the easier it is to train it. How curious is your cat about the toilet? Does she often go in the bathroom and wander around the toilet? Does she sometimes play in the water? The younger the cat, the easier it will be to modify its behaviors. Training a thirteen pound cat that is five years old will not lead to success. The younger the feline, the easier it will be.

Place a cat trainer liner under the toilet seat. These can be purchases at any good pet store, Wal-Mart, K-Mart, etc. Place some cat litter on the liner. Your kitty will likely play in it for awhile, but that is okay. She will come to realize that this is her new litter box. When she goes on the litter, praise her, and give her a kitty treat as a reward. Clean the litter so she comes to expect a clean place every time. When she's done her business on the liner several times, cut a hole in the liner so the waste goes into the toilet. She will get used to the noise this makes. Add a little less litter to the liner about once a week, and make the hole bigger each time. Do this step until your cat goes on the seat on its own and comfortably.

Next, get a toddler toilet training seat and put it on the toilet. Putting a big of litter on the seat will make your kitty feel more comfortable at first. Since cats have a need to scratch something when they potty, this will help her.

After several weeks of going through this last process, your cat will feel comfortable jumping on the toilet seat, doing her thing, and jumping off to go about her next item of business. The whole process will take several weeks, and you will have to flush for her.

Give your tabby a treat and praise her every time she uses the toilet.

But flushing behind your kitty is a small price to pay for getting rid of that obnoxious litter box that makes you want to hurl every time you clean it.


There are also self cleaning litter boxes, and even a flushable kitty toilet on the market. Here's some links to find out more. They can be expensive, but a good alternative if you don't want to take the time and effort to toilet train your cat.


Jillan ne Kimble is the Acquisitions Editor for Kimble McKay Literary Arts Group. They help writers become authors in the traditional publishing industry through time-tested methods, full support, and their huge databases of agents and publishers who are looking for new talent. You can reach her at; or

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