Achieve Success At School - Parents, Help Your Kids Easily Be Top, Honor-Roll Students!

With the beginning of the new school year coming VERY soon, here are some tips to give us a "heads-up" to start the year off knowing what to do.

Three tips to have your kids Achieve Success At School:

1.) Turn off the T.V. At our house, we have an understanding that we don't really have time during the week to watch T.V. (of course, we can be a little flexible if there's a special, long-awaited educational show on PBS!)

2.) Be Prepared. Have backpack, pens, pencils, paper, folders, pocket dictionary, planner and anything else that would be useful. (The teacher would be an excellent person to ask.) At night, before getting ready for bed, all backpacks are packed-up with all books, papers, signed items, planner, completed homework, ?and placed close to the door ready to be grabbed up in the morning on the way out.

3.) Follow the Schedule. There's a daily and weekly schedule in every classroom. In most classrooms, weekly spelling and vocabulary words are given out on Mondays and the Spelling Tests are on Fridays. By simply being aware of the weekly "flow" of the classroom, you'll come to find that there are few surprises-assemblies, field trips, and guest speakers?

The kids' primary concern, (job?) is to study, complete their homework, read, get some exercise and prepare for tomorrow's school day.

That's it for now. If kids are taught organizational and time-management skills at home, then they'll find that being a top, honor-roll student is actually quite easy!

Your can join the community of parents and teachers at: that are working together to give you and your kids a rewarding, successful, enjoyable school experience.

For more tips, strategies and methods to have your kids be top, honor-roll students please visit:

About the author
Mr. Carbaugh is a teacher and a father of 3. He teaches and lives with his family in Northern California.

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