Ten Reasons to Tell your Kids Stories

In today's busy world, many parents have lost the art of telling their stories to their kids. Here are ten reasons why these stories are so beneficial:

1. Use them to teach lessons about life.

Stories will stimulate conversations with your kids more effectively than lecturing or "trying to get them to talk. There are a lot of issues happening for your kids these days, and stories give them a chance to reflect on them.

2. Stories connect your kids with previous generations.

In a society that seems to have families spread out all over, it's vitally important to have ways to have your kids feel connected to their extended families.

3. Stories stimulate your kids' imagination.

One of the best ways to prepare your kids for the world is to engage them in vivid stories that stir their imagination. Kids who are exposed to these kinds of stories will be the creative problem-solvers of the future.

4. Kids who are exposed to stories will continue the tradition with their own families.

Knowing that your family traditions and stories will be carried on by future generations is very comforting.

5. Stories can encourage your kids when they're discouraged

Childhood can get pretty discouraging sometimes. Kids are encouraged by knowing that Mom or Dad have gone through the same kinds of things and have survived.

6. Telling your stories has you remembering your own childhood.

Telling your kids about your childhood is a great way for you to remember and reflect on what was important about your younger years.

7. Telling stories helps to create depth and soul in your kids.

In a TV and media-crazy culture, telling stories can capture your kids' attention and convey real meaning. It's a way to show your kids what's really important in your life.

8. Telling stories to your kids tells them they're worth the time.

Is there anything more important than conveying to your kids that you want to spend intimate time with them? They'll remember it forever.

9. Telling stories is a great chance to convey your values.

Your kids will be getting quite a few messages from their friends and from popular culture. Stories are a great opportunity to sneak in a few of your cherished values for your kids to hear.

10. Well-crafted stories create a wonderful mind-set for your kids before they fall asleep.

Kids will fall asleep faster and with healthier images when you tell them your stories.

Don't pass up the opportunity to connect with your kids, at the same time you tell them what's important to you.

It will be a huge gift to your kids, and a huge gift to you.

Mark Brandenburg MA, CPCC, coaches busy parents by phone to balance their life and improve their family relationships. For a FREE twenty minute sample session by phone; ebooks, courses, articles, and a FREE newsletter, go to http://www.markbrandenburg.com. or email him at mark@markbrandenburg.com.

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