Spring into Spring

Hasn't time flown? Already we're into the last quarter of the year and isn't it perfect timing to clear out the cobwebs of winter and prepare yourself for the next few months of sun, sand, surf or is it work, work, work?

You know it's time to take action when:

You have difficulty finding things

Your colleagues make comments about your mess

You can't see your desk for the mess

You cut your fingers in the filing cabinet when you try to dig out a file

You have to push your body against the cupboard door to close it.

The bookshelves are beginning to break because of all the weight.

You've forgotten what your office floor looks like because it's buried under the mess

In his bestselling book "Clutter's Last Stand, Don Aslett, America's No. 1 Cleaning Expert says:

"Most of us attain, accumulate, collect, but plenty always seems to require more. Enough is never enough.

Clutter Costs

We have to pay for it, keep track of it, protect it, clean it, store it, insure it and worry about it. This takes energy and effort (in fact, a great part of your life). Later we have to move it, hide it, apologise for it, argue over it.

Clutter Stifles

It requires so much of our time to tend. Not only are our houses, drawers, closets and vehicles so crowded we can't breathe, but our minds, emotions and relationships are crowded into dullness and immobility.

We're so surrounded with stuff, we don't even have time for the people whom mean the most to us.

The Final Revelation

Finally, often too late, we realise that most of that which has surrounded us, choking out good living, squeezing out the physical and emotional life out of us, is just junk - clutter!

Clutter in the Workplace

Clutter is costing businesses thousands, if not millions of dollars!

Here are a five reasons why:

People waste time searching for things. In fact, The Wall Street Journal conducted a survey and reported that white collar workers spent on average SIX WEEKS A YEAR looking for things in the office!

Clutter occupies space. Floor space costs money! One of the most common complaints I hear is "I have no room, there's not enough space.

Extra money is spent on stationery and office supplies which have already been bought. The trouble is people can't easily find them in a cluttered environment so they order more.

Money is wasted on excess office furniture and storage to hoard the clutter.

Clutter makes you feel busy. Combined with a busy workload, clutter will dramatically increase your stress levels. It is extremely easy to be distracted with so much 'stuff' surrounding you.

Time to Take Action

Make a decision to rid yourself of excess clutter. Clean out your workplace and your home. Now is the best time to start. Stop making excuses that you don't have the time?guess what? You do.

About The Author

Lorraine Pirihi, principal of The Office Organiser is Australia's Personal Productivity Coach. She specialises in working with businesspeople showing them how to dramatically boost their productivity, reduce the stress and the mess in their lives and have more time for enjoying their life.


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