Gift Basket Idea for Senior Citizens

Evidence for the importance of fruit and vegetable intake to health and quality of life with aging is widely recognized. Consuming fruits and vegetables can reduce an individual's risk of cardiovascular disease and many cancers.

Furthermore, fruits and vegetables are important components of diets for the secondary prevention of diabetes and hypertension. Of course, with diabetes, you want to use the low glycemic fruits. The highest sugar fruits are melons. Diets rich in nutrients and phytochemicals found in fruits and vegetables have also been associated with delay or decreased risk of conditions associated with aging such as cataracts, diverticulosis, degeneration in neurological and cognitive performance, decline in bone mass, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Diets that are high in fruits and vegetables lower an individual's risk of chronic disease and contribute to healthy aging. Homebound seniors often have low intake of fruits and vegetables and limited access to fruits and vegetables with the most protective nutrients and phytochemicals.

Wouldn't it be a great idea to send someone you know who is a Senior Citizen or someone you know in your community that would benefit from a nice, juicy fruit gift basket?

Once a year, our home care agency sends a Thanksgiving gift Basket and Christmas gift basket to one of our patients who can really benefit from receiving one of these gift baskets. It not only makes them feel special, but they get a nutrition meal.

If you don't know what to give your friend for the holidays, consider a fruit and vegetable gift basket.

Home delivery of fruits and vegetables is an effective way to increase fruit and vegetable intake in homebound seniors.

Copyright 2005 Fern Kuhn, RN
Specializing in Diabetes

You may reprint this article as long as you keep the links active.

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