Use Food and Focus to Gain Tons of Energy for Summer

While there are many effective ways to get more energy and build your productivity, I've found it very important to pay attention to the seasons.

"But wait a minute," you say. "Aren't I supposed to be eating great food all of the time?"

Yes, you are! And after you understand what foods work best for your body, you should then adjust to fit the seasons. Over the past few years, I've found this to be the best way to get healthy, build my productivity, and increase my energy, for five (3 food and then 2 focus) reasons:

1. Melons ?

? Excellent hydration food
? An energized breakfast boost
? Best eaten on their own for digestion (which also always means energy) purposes
? Excellent calcium source
? High on the list of anticarcinogenic foods

2. Cucumber ?

? Contains 90% water
? Relieves edema
? Effective diuretic
? Cleanses and purifies the blood
? Helps break down protein (again, better digestion!)

3. Alfalfa Sprouts ?

? Lowers cholesterol
? Augments the urinary system
? Excellent source of chlorophyll
? High Food Mineral Source (calcium, iron, potassium ? more!)
? 30% protein by dry weight

Stay Focused on the REAL You for Summer

If we grew up in the United States we most likely grew up with associating summer with getting out of school ?SUMMER VACATION! As adults we tend to want to give ourselves the summer off as well, but we need to renegotiate what that means. Taking a "break" doesn't need to mean eating EnergyPoor Foods, but instead can be about tuning in and listening to our individual body and what it needs. Here a couple of ways to do that:

1. Look Local -

Don't think of summer as all about looking for local summer activities, but also about what is being grown near you. What is the natural message that is being given to you about what to eat this time of year (we are so spoiled by our grocery stores!) Spend some time searching out Farmer's Markets, Co-ops, or just poking around your grocery store and checking out the produce labels as a clue to where the food has come from. Summer is definitely the time of year to stay away from frozen and canned food ? it really isn't necessary!

2. Take a Break Everyday -

What do you want for yourself and your body for the summer and always? Use some of the extra daylight energy to connect inward ? not just outward. Think about ways that you can take a daily or weekly "vacation" for just a few minutes or hours. The more you give yourself some space and time on a regular basis, the less you will need to take a vacation through your food.

To Your Health and Success, Heather

Heather Dominick, Certified Nutrition-Energy Consultant, is founder of the EnergyRich Lifestyle Program?, the proven step-by-step program to help you achieve your best health and fullest life. To sign up for her freebie how-to articles and no-charge teleclasses on creating your best energy life, visit

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