Do You Need Omega 3 Fatty Acids?

Do you need omega 3 fatty acid in your diet? This question on the importance of omega 3 fatty acid can be clarified by examining the medical evidence regarding the omega 3 benefit.

Omega 3 fatty acid are important building blocks for the cell membranes. Omega 3 fatty acid plays a role in the neurological health of the human system. A significantly reduced risk of heart and cardiovascular disease is a well documented omega 3 benefit offered by omega 3 fatty acid.

Studies undertaken on the lifestyle of the Inuit prove that omega 3 fatty acid plays a critical role in maintaining good health. These Inuit enjoy a diet rich in fish and other marine wildlife, which provide the omega 3 fatty acid. The omega 3 benefit of this lifestyle includes a significantly reduced risk of heart disease, due to omega 3 fatty acid.

The omega 3 benefit with regards to cardiovascular disease has been well demonstrated. Omega 3 fatty acid is essential for good health and the American Heart Association has published statements since 1996 recommending increased fish intake and/or omega 3 fatty acid supplements for omega 3 benefit.

The life-enhancing omega 3 fatty acid is easily obtained. Omega 3 fatty acid occurs in dark leafy green vegetables, and the omega 3 fatty acid can also be found in vegetable oils. Flaxseed oil is another source of the omega 3 fatty acid.

Other sources of omega 3 fatty acid include oily fish such as mackerel and tuna. The important omega 3 benefit is also obtained by eating salmon and herring. Eating fish will ensure that you receive omega 3 fatty acid.

Humans need omega 3 fatty acid for optimum daily functioning and we need to ensure that we receive the omega 3 benefit. Research shows that omega 3 fatty acid is critical for nervous system development. Omega 3 fatty acid forms a strong foundation for the synthesis of cell mediators.

Omega 3 fatty acid aids this process. These mediators play a necessary role in our physiology and they affect coagulation and inflammation. Omega 3 fatty acid plays a crucial part in managing and preventing disease. Omega 3 fatty acid is one of the primary components of the brain and also the retina and other nerve tissue. Omega 3 fatty acid can affect the signaling of cells. Gene expression is also affected by omega 3 fatty acid.

Scientific study on omega 3 fatty acid and the omega 3 benefit proves that omega 3 fatty acid is a necessity. Without the omega 3 benefit, we find an increase in allergies and arthritis when omega 3 fatty acid is lacking. Other chronic diseases, including heart disease and cancer, are all impacted upon when we lack omega 3 fatty acid.

Continued research on omega 3 fatty acid has shown another omega 3 benefit. We find that with the aid of omega 3 fatty acid, we have a reduced chance of abnormal blood clotting within the blood vessels. The omega 3 benefit is seen in improved longevity and a reduced risk of strokes. Available evidence on the omega 3 benefit indicates that omega 3 fatty acid should be included as part of a healthy lifestyle.

Copyright 2005 Health-Focus

Resources offering Omega 3 Fatty Acid

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