Being Proactive With Your Health Decisions

In today's world, there's a definite need to be proactive in protecting our health. But that assumes there's something you CAN do to protect it.

See, most people figure they're pretty powerless. That's a good thing for the healthcare establishment. They like that. You're the one with disease and they're the one with the solution.

Only one small problem, though. In 2001, now get this, in 783,000 people died from healthcare-related screw-ups. That's a fact. Imagine that. That's 2,100 people a day. That's 8 jumbo jets going up in flames every day.

Don't get me wrong. Doctors and medical facilities are great when it comes to trauma care, bone setting and that kind of thing. But give me a break: 783,000 dead from medical mistakes? No wonder that's the third leading cause of death in the U.S.

Anyway, most people don't even know that. If they get sick, well, the only thing they know to do is to submit themselves to conventional medical treatment ? which of course is all about treating sickness.

But that's not health care. That's sickness care. Real health care is about building health from the ground up. Sickness care is about cutting, radiating, poisoning and taking prescription drugs, which by the way can be very toxic.

So, as I see it anyway, we've only got two options. Be good little medical consumers and go along with the healthcare program that we've all been taught to buy in to - or start thinking things through for ourselves - and no one can make that happen but you. It's your decision ? your choice ? and your life.

Personally, my advise is: be pro-active. Don't wait in line to get on a train wreck. Consider taking your health into your hands. I know that might be a little scary, but you can do it. You couldn't before because there wasn't an alternative ? but now, there's something on the horizon that everyone should know about and it's called 'glyconutrition'.

For the past two years, I've been researching this particular field of nutrition - glyconutrition ? and what I've come away with is the sense that glyconutrition is a tool for health unlike anything we've ever seen before.

To give a few examples, people who are on glyconutrition supplements are having very impressive experiences like far fewer colds and flues, recovering from things like asthma, fibromyalgia, cancer, autism, and depression.

A lot of people hearing this for the first time are very skeptical when they hear claims like that. If you happen to be in that group, but are still open minded enough to take in some new information, that's great. It's the first step you can take to reclaiming your power to make decisions about you and your family's health that isn't completely dictated by the medical establishment - you know, that same group of folks that racks up over 700,000 unnecessary deaths a year.

Anyway, the important thing is that now you at least know about an alternative that's working for thousands of people ? people who've made the decision to start thinking outside the medical box by adding glyconutrition supplements to the food they eat.

David Lear is a freelance writer whose primary interest is glyconutrition. Testimonials, scientific validation, and other information about glyconutrition can be found at

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