The Magic in Food: LOVE

Remember the old adage, you are what you eat? The simplest magical ritual that you can do is to cut open a fruit or vegetable and eat it while thinking of your magical intention. Below is a compilation of common foods and their metaphysical associations.

Apple: Draws a lover, erotic experiences to you. Increases attraction. Apple compote with cinnamon is thought to speed up the arrival of a lover to you or encourage a reluctant lover to make a cerebral relationship physical.

Apricot: For flirtation or light hearted romantic experience.

Avocado: To make yourself appear younger to others or increase personal beauty or attractiveness. Avocado is the love apple of Venus.

Banana: Eaten by males - increases fertility and heroism. Eaten by females - draws a lover.

Beets: Increases virility, passion, erotica and fertility. It is a root so it grounds a relationship and binds the lover to you.

Blueberry: To eliminate obstacles or rivals that may come between you. As you swallow each blueberry, imagine the things that come between you falling away or disappearing.

Butter: To eliminate hostility and arguments. While smoothing it on a piece of bread, hopefully with a little honey too, think of things smoothing out.

Cardamom: This herb is thought to amplify a love that is already there or strengthen existing relationships. Drink a cup of Chai tea with cardamom in it for this purpose.

Carrot: Helps bring masculine energies to a woman. For a man strengthens virility.

Celery: Increases libido and passion. Encourages reluctant lovers to take action

Cherry: Eat for love, health and to boost sexual attraction.

Chocolate: An aphrodisiac. Lifts moods and attracts sensual experiences. Binds lovers.

Clove: Add clove to curry dishes, baked dishes and hot chocolate for fun, love and erotic experiences. This is also the bud of stolen kisses so it is good for mistresses to spike their lover's meals with it.

Coriander: Add to curries and salads to attract your soulmate. It represents a high spiritual love combined with wisdom.

Cucumber: Eaten for sexual stamina, beautiful skin. Chop with extreme prejudice if you are into revenge on a certain philandering male.

Eggs: An ancient symbol of conception: Eat for fertility and fidelity.

Garlic: Eat to banish the "other woman" or a rival who may be in the way.

Grapes: Grapes are a symbol of a happy marriage and many children. Eat to increase fertility and emotional security. Can also be used to increase your popularity with opposite sex. As you eat each grape, picture another lover coming your way ? known or unknown. Red grapes are best for this purpose.

Guava: Relieves heartbreak, attracts new romance, revives the erotic imagination.

Honey: The nectar of the Gods. Sweetens up a relationship. Attracts positive love and attention.

Lemon: Marriage, joy, fidelity, pure intentions and longevity in a relationship.

Mushrooms: Eat raw to make yourself beautiful and increase your feminine mystique.

Orange: Health, fidelity, love and joy.

Peanut: Crack these open from the shell and attract more male energy into your life.

Peas: Used to attract love, positive Goddess energy into life.

Pineapple: To attract a wealthy lover.

Pomegranate: For fertility, erotic imagination, a long line of descendants. Also eaten sometimes to attract numerous partners or a wealthy partner.

Popcorn: For popularity and fun. As each corn pops in the microwave, picture another positive romantic event.

Pork: Eaten for fertility.

Quince: Are traditionally eaten for happiness between lovers.

Raspberry: For sexual stamina and amplifying love that is there.

Sweet Relish: For enhancing sexual passion.

Rice: For childbearing and fertility.

Sausage: To bring kinky sexual partners to you, a variety of partners or social excitement.

Strawberry: To attract a lover, to increase sexual intensity and stamina of a lover. To make a lover think of you eat a strawberry every day.

Sweet Potato: To attract a well grounded, emotional secure, gentle wise love.

Maple Syrup: To assure a positive "first meeting" or that a blind date goes well.

Tomato: The original "love apple". Eat to attract a partner or increase the love that is already there.

Tangerine: Health, fidelity, flirtation, love, joy and childlike qualities. Banishes heaviness

Samantha Steven's articles have been published in many high-standing newspapers and she has published several books. If you wish to buy Samantha's books about metaphysics click here 10 You can meet Samantha Stevens at where she works as a professional psychic. You can also read more of her articles at

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