The X Factor of MLM Mega Earners

Send this to your downline. It will give them a perspective that will make you money. More enrollees, more sales and more money.

Ask the average Networker [why] they joined your company and they will respond, "because I want to help a lot of people."

Some will answer, "Because it's a solid product that everyone needs."

Rarely will you hear someone say, "TO MAKE LOTS of money!"

That is because most P/T Networkers, who are not used to making $50,000 to $100,000 annually, working from home, are afraid that what they are selling will not make their new recruits money.

(please read that again)

Now, to properly put this into perspective, here is a question:

When you walk into McDonalds, have they ever said to you, "you really should not Super-Size your meal, it's way too many calories!"

No they haven't. That's ridiculous. It's also never happened because McDonalds could give a rip what you order. For them, it's just a trade.

It's a value trade. They sell food. You give them money for it.

No emotion. It's just business.

Even when an obese man walks into McDonalds and orders way to much food, no one at McDonalds warns the man that this could worsen his health. Because no one cares.

It's just plain good ole fashion business.

It's a value for value trade.

However, in our industry, lots of people, especially the new people, say?.they think to themselves?

"I will wait to make money BEFORE I recruit my friends."

"I better not recruit her, I KNOW she could never do this."

"I better not ask my new downline member for $500 to join our lead co-op, I bet she doesn't have the money."

The problem is that too many wish-they-could-be-F/T Networkers think the ONLY way for them to make money here, is if everyone succeeds.

And that just isn't how life works.

Half of the people, they say, get a divorce.

Most people who dabble in MLM fail. Any why shouldn't they? Who builds a part-time legitimate business dabbling?

Most people quit their diets. Right? (research says they even get fatter!)

So here's the "X" factor.

The "X" factor is that it's not your job to worry about who should join this and who can't. Your job, is to simply get enough people looking at your opportunity in the first place.

The truth is, the heavy-hitters in this industry understand "free will" and could care less who wins or who loses. And it is THAT way of thinking that allows them to siphon through MORE people.

The Proper Thinking is:

The thinking is, "some will, some won't, so what [?], who cares?"

It's not about becoming a cold hearted person.

It's not.

It's not about abandoning your core values.

It's about, how can you truly help people if you are broke?

You can't. Not if you're broke.

There's an old saying and it goes like this, "you can't save the whales if you can't afford to fish."

What that means is this.

Do you want to help a lot of other people?

Then you be the model. You be their inspiration.

You be the one who recruited 100 people in a year.

You be the one who earns the serious money.

Some will. Some won't. So what. Next.

Heavy-hitters get to a place whereby emotions are left at home.

We are all adults. This is business. And we are all here to make money.

And that can't happen if you are pre-judging people, worrying about who might succeed or fail, or if you are not asking everyone you know to work your program.

Consider this.

Big name MLM Guru's think nothing of asking folks to invest $3,000 to $5,000 for them to be your personal coach.

Apparently, they are not looking for broke people who can only afford a few hundred.

McDonalds could care less about your health. If they did, they would not try to SUPER-SIZE every meal they sell.

If all of this is true, and it is, why are some people wishy-washy and afraid to get other people to invest $2,000 to $5,000 in a home business?


The answer is because falsely, they feel that they would be responsible if their new recruits failed.

And that's the "X" factor.


Whether people win or fail is not your business.

Your business is to show your business to the entire world or at least to a few thousand people. In the next 90 days.

And when you stop worrying about who might fail, you will start to explore more avenues and begin showing MORE people.

Network Marketing is a selling business. Make no bones about it.

We are sales people.

We sell opportunity and we sell the good news of American capitalism.

And to play costs money.

Some will. Some won't. So what. Next.

This industry is really a personal development business.

Because you can't change your income and double your annual income by being the same person you used to be. You have to grow in order to earn more income.

A person who thinks like a $52,000 a year earner can't make $200,000 with the SAME MIND that earns $52,000.

It's impossible.

To elevate your income you have to change

How you think

Who you listen to

How you act and dress

How you communicate to people

Your ideals change and what was once considered "silly" or impossible now seems doable.

I once heard something and it blew me away.

"Most people hang around people who earn within fifty thousand dollars of what they earn."

(because that is their comfort zone.)

What would happen to your life if you actually started to hang around people earning 2-3-4-5 times what you make?

No, I don't mean just swapping e-mails and hopping on some conference calls with super-earners and heavy-hitters.

I mean ACTUALLY hanging around people who earn 2-3-4-5 times what you earn?


Joe Schroeder
Vice President of Direct Sales

Joe Schroeder
Not just a lead company. Your lead company.
Joe's Phone: 1-973-418-9261

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